Rat, Raid
We Fast Traveled back to town to inform the people and get ready to fend the rats off.
We contacted the guard station to get them evacuate the town.
"A Lv50 boss and a group of around ten Lv30 magic beasts are coming this way!? Are you certain!?"
"Yes, unfortunately those beasts headed straight for this town after their nest got destroyed. We hastily made our way back using Space Magic but it won't be long till those beasts reach here. Please take the people to the shelter!"
"Understood! How about you lot!?"
"We'll take them on. Please lead the townsfolk to safety away from the battle!"
The guards sounded the warning alarm and went around guiding townspeople to take shelter.
I feel so bad for turning this into such a big deal...
We could have made the attempt to kill those rats right as they fled but things could have gone even worse if we missed some in the process and they managed to get to the town.
At worst, some production Job people or children who haven't come of age could fall victim, hence we prioritized being safe than sorry.
"Um, what is going on...?"
As we got ready to intercept the rat magic beasts, worried Ferianna-san ran up to us and asked.
"...Ferianna-san, I'll tell you later. For now you should hurry up and take shelter."
"Magic beasts are closing in even as we speak. Please hurry."
"Mom! It's okay, we'll make a short work out of those beasts!"
"...I understand. But promise me, don't push yourself...!"
"Of course! Quick get away from here, mom!"
I arrange our formation while glancing at the running Ferianna-san.
"Alma and I will stop the beasts outside the town. We can't let that big rat to enter no matter what. I'll take that one on, while Alma, you're in charge of the follower rats."
"Got it."
"Reina, and Hiyoko, take care of any beast that managed to slip in the town. With Mana Search, Quick Step and shadow diving, you can get anywhere almost instantaneously. Just don't try to beat them if you can't and focus on stopping them."
Mission Start.
I'm holding Alma in my arms while making my way to the magic beasts with Pseudo Ground Shrink.
"H-Hikaru, you're too fast, I'm scared...!"
"Sorry, bear with it. I'm actually moving slower than usual."
"This is slower...? Y-you're joking right...?"
"I can get at least three times as fast if I go all out, any faster and I lose control though. Though well, if you insist--"
"Don't, this is plenty fast...!"
Oh okay. That'd be ideal cause I want to converse my SP too.
But man, this town defense kinda takes me back to Keruna village's situation.
The magic beasts this time are overwhelmingly stronger though. Would have been the end of us if there were 10 Jet Boars back then.
Oops, those rats are just around the corner now.
First, a greeting for the big guy!
"Alma, shoot your magic preemptively, but use anything besides fire element so you don't cause a forest fire."
"Got it."
"Afterwards, you're in charge of the follower rats and I'm the big one per the plan."
"Un... Haaa...!"
As instructed, Alma cast Offensive Magic as the first strike in this battle.
Hm, bullets made of stone, Stone Bullet huh. Yup that won't catch fire... Huh..?
Err, Alma-san? Why are you making ice, water, wind, light and co. besides stones...?
"I'll use all other elements if fire is no go."
"No uh, I didn't mean you should cast all other... Welp, what's done is done, go for it."
"Nn... Haa!"
...I'm not gonna throw a punchline here seeing how motivated she looks.
Ever since she learned [Double-Tongued], she's been proactively casting multiple elemental spells every chance she gets.
The herd of rats were thrown into chaos at this sudden downpour of many elemental bullets.
But, they're still over Lv30 beasts after all. Despite being boosted, a magic barrage shot from afar was not enough to finish them off.
Only two rats died.
The surviving rats kept running without a visible setback despite suffering slight injuries.
The big rat is pretty much unscathed. Well, figured.
"Alma, let's go with the plan. Just don't push yourself."
"Un. You too, take care."
The big rat roared. It must be trying to intimidate me, but I ain't afraid of you.
I've been on the receiving end of Oni-sensei's who's a hundred time scarier than you! Come at me, big rat!
<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >
~~~~~~~~Alma's Perspective~~~~~~
One down.
That's two. Next.
Third one down.
My preemptive strike covered a wide area indiscriminately. I could have done this with just one element if I aimed properly.
But there's just too many. I already took care half of the original number, but they'd reach the town before I could defeat them all at this rate.
I've got to cull down more rats, low enough for Reina and Hiyoko to handle at least.
No, they've realized they'd make for an easy target if they flock together, they're making a break for it scattering in all directions.
I have to kill two more at least!
~~~~~~~Ferianna's Perspective~~~~~~~~
Townspeople have gathered at the town's shelter.
The guards warned us about the possibility of magic beasts raiding our town.
This flock of magic beasts are apparently too powerful for the town's combatants to take on.
Will Reina be all right fighting such beasts...?
I beg of you, god, please, please don't let Reina experience the same pain that man underwent, grant her your protection...!
"O-oy! Has anyone seen Anvi and Malti?"
"I-I haven't. Weren't they with you!?"
"I've been looking for them everywhere all this time!! Oy!! Anvi! Malti!!"
There are children who haven't got to the shelter yet...?
"Blast it! They're such a handful! Just you wait!"
"O-oy! Where are you going! Those beasts might get in the town!?"
"And that's why I'm going out! Those kids haven't even come of age yet!"
"You won't go! You'd put yourself in danger! Who knows they could be on the way here. I get you but you'd be better of waiting here!"
A man attempted to leave the shelter to look for those children.
...I'm painfully aware just how much he's worrying for his children. But doing that is only going to invite more panic.
Reina, I'm worried about you. I truly do.
But please grant me this one wish.
For the sake of this man and his children, please protect them...!