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Kamisama no Kago wo Kyohishitara?! Chapter 558

558 This Is Impossible


I quietly wait on my seat. The crowd is still jamming the exits even now but the flow of people is gradually receding.
Dunno how long this will go on, but it's not like I'm in a hurry.
That's probably why. Someone called out to me.

"Hey, can I have a bit of your time? I need to talk. Mind if I take the next seat over?"

The person asking is fully hooded and mantled, I can't see his face.
But his voice sounds familiar.

"...Yes. Go ahead. What is this about? Please tell it to me straight, no dilly dallying."

"Fumu, 'tell straight' huh. I believe that's a phrase from Hinomoto. Very well. I'd like to fight you. What do you say?"

I knew this was coming when I heard the voice. And I was bracing for it. But.

"I'd have to refuse. I cannot imagine why you would ask, but don't you think this is too much as a joke? It's not something you ask from a kid that has just come of age."

Yep, this person is one the fighters that was on the ring just now.

"That's a shame. And I went out of my way to don this Concealment Spell-enchanted mantle to speak with you too. This has made me all the more motivated however. After all, no ordinary people can see through this mantle. Keyword being ordinary people. And no, the power does not weaken because I initiated the conversation. Only mages with an outstanding amount of mana can achieve the feat."

He had cast the hook from the very first approach.

(What's up with this champion, seriously... He just ignored my circumstances...)

I got caught in his trap hook, line and sinker, not because I'm an easy target.
This trap is normally something that cannot be perceived right away. At least to those with ordinary senses.

"You have shown your capability by seeing through this mantle. I assume you must be a powerful mage. My impression was right on the mark. I cannot recall the last time I found someone I proactively want to fight. What do you say? I'll pay you to fight me. Let's see, for 30 gold coins. Won't you reconsider?"
<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >
He started negotiating on his own. But I can't readily refuse him this time.
Why? Because I told him I'm just an ordinary kid. Yet his magical mantle is impenetrable to ordinary people.
I've outed myself as non-ordinary by doing the extraordinary.
At least the fact that I have some kind of power. There's no way to brush it over now.

I mean the guide next to me isn't even looking here.
Meaning I'm within the spell range. The guide doesn't seem to hear our conversation either, indicating I won't be able to get out of this.

(I didn't hide my face. He'd likely seek me out on his own later if I kept refusing here.)

He definitely won't give up. The smile he flashed this way after his victory convinced me that.

Besides, his magic mantle has always looked like an ordinary brown mantle to me.
I think it's because I don't have mana. The mechanism behind it is probably something magical that interferes with another magical thing.
As such, someone without any shred of mana like me is unaffected by it.
There's still a chance that a similar magic out there can still affect me though.

How did he even come up with this trap? I can confidently declare that there's no way to avoid it.

"Okay, I get it. But I have one more condition."

There may be no avoiding this event, but that won't stop me from minimizing the damage on me.






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Skill? Nee yo Sonnamon! Chapter 295

Onward, to the Nostalgic Dungeon


This chapter starts in third party POV.

"『Sorry for not contacting you guys for several days. I got knocked out cold from Demon King's blow on my stomach, couldn't get outta the bed, see. My bad, for real.』 ...gimme back my worries."

"Demon King's blow on his stomach..."

"It was probably a fatal strike and Demon King thought he had killed Hikaru for good... But why did Demon King seek out Hikaru in particular...?"

"Moving on. 『Demon King seems to know me somehow. He even mentioned 'Kajikawa Hikaru' name and my move, 'Pile Bunker'. But he didn't seem to be familiar with my great hammer. Wonder who he is if we really have met before.』"

"So like, they met before great hammer was made but after Kajikawa-san came up with Pile Bunker?"

"...But I don't think there's anyone who would fit that. Just, who...?"

"『Dunno who Demon King really is. Only thing for sure is that he's stupidly strong, way beyond me no matter what I do. He got me good even though I was fully on guard. It was super scary. There's absolutely no way to win against that by myself.』"

"That old man got his arse handed to him huh... Demon King must be a real monster."

"『I'm gonna hide away to escape Demon King's Menu detection. It'll take roughly ten days at least. I hope you can forgive me for being selfish. I'm really sorry about all this.』"

"How many time is he gonna keep apologizing... There's no need for that, really."


"Un... I'm glad, he's okay."

"『During that time, I need Alma and Reina to do something for me. Please get Alma's parents and everybody they're teaching all in one spot.』"

"That'll be, Radia-san, Hyula-san and the rest right. Can they get out of bed already?"

"Yeah, they're all in good forms. They didn't survive those instructors' hellish training for nothin'."

"『Once they're all gathered, I need you to--』."

"『Also, I know it's not my place to say this, but Alma, make sure you eat properly, you hear me. I've left some food with Neora-kun, have at it... I'm sorry for leaving you alone.』"

"What did he send to Neora-san? Wait, did you meet Kajikawa-san in person, Neora-san?"

"No, I didn't. Those items were delivered to me through 'Item Screen'... Gotta wonder though, why did he choose this."

"Hm, is that meat? Ah, it smells so good."

"...Ginger pork fry."

"Yup, it's pork fry alright... I mean it's good yeah, but why?"

"...It's the first meal Hikaru made for me."

"O-oh really. Must be charged with memories... Whoa, oh? She's really wolfing 'em down...!?"

"A-Alma-san, you're gonna choke if you don't slow down... Actually, leave some for us too! Hey! Why're you hogging them all to yourself!"

『Pii! Pipi!!』

"...Had no idea you were a glutton..."

<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >

...Wonder if Alma is doing fine.

<<Intake of Ginger Pork Fry sent to Neo Raifu's Item Screen, confirmed. Sufficient nutrient has been taken.>>

I see, that's good to hear.
It'd weigh on my mind so bad, I wouldn't have the drive to dive in a dungeon if she fell ill because of me.

<<...However, she is experiencing an abdominal pain due to taking in a huge quantity of food while her digestive organs were weakened. As it is only a mild symptom that will recover by itself in one hour, it is nothing of note.>>

...Eh, did she eat all that? But I left some for Reina and Hiyoko too.
W-well, I guess it's fine. Those mascots are the very picture of health anyway, I can always make more for them once I get back.

But, man, things really never come together whenever I work solo just like that time with red boar and Gluttony Slime.
There's only so much you can do alone no matter how strong you get. Can't let it get over my head.

This applies to Demon King as well.
Once everything is ready, we're gonna show him what 'strength in numbers' means. Guhehehehe.
Hero-kun's power especially is key. Keep at it Hero. Go get your party members and Job Change already.

Now then, I'll leave things over there to Alma's group, while I work on my shares here.
I just gotta dive in this dungeon, aiming for Floor 21 right.

<<Affirmative. Due the spatial instabilities in Floor 21, it is possible to avoid information leaking through Menu Functions in that location.>>

<<However, the path there is rife with danger. Floor 15 and below are particularly dangerous with Rank S magic beasts and lethal traps traps aplenty.>>

<<On Floor 21 and below, laws of physics are in a state of disarray, with difficult to deal phenomenon such as anomalies and distortions in spacetime continuum constantly occurring.>>

<<In case you fail to reach the floor in ten day time, there is a risk of Demon King's Menu discovering your survival. With his Attributes, Demon King can hunt down and kill Kajikawa Hikaru in virtually no time, regardless of where he is, even on the deepest floor of a dungeon.>>

Well if that ain't hella frightening! Just how hellbent is Demon King on killing me anyway!
Heck, 'virtually no time' to find me, just how high is his attributes anyway. I can't with this stalker Demon King. He's way too scary I can only laugh.

So in short, I'm gonna get offed by Demon King if I laze around huh. Is this like a time attack in action games?
Gotta level up with the magic beasts along the way too. I can't keep staying weak.

<<In addition, defeating Demon King is not outside the realm of possibility if Kajikawa Hikaru manages to 'bring back' a useful item from Floor 21 and below.>>

Well, there's also a risk of me getting 'whisked away' instead though. Scary, I can regrow a limb or two just fine but that... Wait, that's scarier.
Alma parents are the real deal for conquering even one floor of that place and coming back alive.

Welp, time to start this dungeon conquest, but I gotta do some prep work first.

<<There is no issue by making use of items and equipment Kajikawa Hikaru had prepared for the capital defense. Your chest protector has been damaged by Demon King, but it can be repaired by using Synthesize and Repair function with materials from magic beasts looted along the way.>>

Hmm, I did stock up a lot of potions et al, guess they should be enough.
I've also got lots of foodstuff from magic beasts I've beaten so far and vegetables I stocked up beforehand. I'll be fine even if I don't stock more for several months.
I can always hunt and eat magic beasts I find if they're somehow not enough... I've never cut apart magic beasts into usable ingredient though.
Well then, it's dungeon diving time.

The dungeon is as nicely lit as ever, making exploring a cinch.
I'm told it's something that happens naturally, but this kind of stuff is clearly someone's handiwork to me.

Magic beasts and traps on upper floors are basically a non-issue. I can just brute force my way through them.
The loot is pretty shabby too. I got way too much banisoi bean already. Also enough with carbonic beans... Why do I keep getting beans anyway, weird.

I also came across several empty treasure chests. Wonder if another party is currently tackling this dungeon? It can't be those three idiots again, can it.
I got to Floor 4 in just an hour. Can Demon King really conquer this dungeon in no time?

<<He can. It is estimated that Demon King can completely ignore traps, magic beasts, floor layouts and even floors themselves to reach Kajikawa Hikaru near instantaneously.>>

That's way scary! I gotta keep pushing on!
I feel like a protagonist of a horror game. Just how much is he making a big deal outta me to make him so obsessive on seeing me dead anyway.

Heck, I don't remember ever meeting Demon King. How did he even know about Mana Pile Bunker?
If he was a human from my previous life that reincarnated into a hero in this world who then reincarnated again into Demon King, then yes he might know my face and name.
But Mana Pile Bunker is a move I developed in this world. Seeing as he seemed familiar with that, our meeting must be in this world. And it was during a time I was fighting.
Ununu, what's going on? I dun' get it.

"U, uwaaaaaa!!"

"Dammitt! Guys, run to the escape portaaaaaaaal!"
"L-leader! Nock knocked 'imself out, can't get him on his feet!"

"Shoulder him! And run as fast as you can!"

...I heard some real loud guys while I was lost in thought.
Is another party under attack? This would be the third time. Those three girls, three idiots, who's next.

I turn to look at the source of the voices to find a big rolling ball you see in a lot of retro movies chasing down a group of men.
What is this, a certain indie movie or something? Wait, feels like I've seen those guys before...? Nah, can't be.
Hmm, seems like they can get away just fine, guess I can safely ignore them.

"Oh craaaaaap! When will this eeeeend!!"

"Heck ain't this big ball chasing us for real!? That ain't no way a ball turn naturally!"

"Quit bellyaching! Move your legs! Get in that, room...!?"

Uwaah, they brought that big ball this way.
The blond leader man's eye popped wide open when he realized I was here.`

"Oy! You run too!! Or else you're gonna get flattened!!"

"Wait, you're that black haired monster! What're ya doin' here alone!?"

Who are you calling a monster! ...Huh wait, they knew me?

<<Confirmed as a Rank C, formerly D, party led by Darandizma, 'Heavenly Dragons'.>>

Dara... Who's that again?
Heck, what's up with that party name. Ain't no way you can live up to it... Ah, I remember now. They're the dumdums who tried to poach Alma into their party.
Anyway, it'll be annoying if they keep buzzing around me, guess I'm busting that ball with my great hammer... Oh wait, Demon King broke it.
Haa, guess I got no choice. Gotta pulverize that bare handed.






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Kamisama no Kago wo Kyohishitara?! Chapter 557

557 Episode


The champion slowly walked away from the ring. His eyes met mine for a moment there.
He flashed a refreshing smile like it was natural.

"Just now! He smiled at me! Uhyoo! My luck sees no bound today!"

The guide next to me leaped in ecstasy.
While the champion captivated all the audience eyes, a team of medics ran into the ring carrying a stretcher.
They must have deemed it necessary since the challenger wouldn't budge.

"Dammit all... Is he a monster... How can it not pierce? Ugh! ...How do you even beat that..."

"Don't talk! Your ribs might have cracked! Stay still, we don't want any broken bone damaging your internal organs!"

His chagrined mutter could only be heard by me.
The medics explained how serious his injury is to calm him down.
Thus Malvas got carried away in the opposite direction the champion took.

"Ah, he's just way cool! Any man wanna become as strong as the champion!"

The guide kept staring at the champion till he disappeared. Then he calmed down at last.

"Let's get outta here. There's no more match today right? Actually... guess we gotta wait."

There's too many people trying to get out, the exits are jam packed.
They're all looking excited, talking non stop about today's match.
The crowd slowly got sucked away into the passageways. Even those spacious passages seem cramped with so many people in them.

(How many tens of thousands can the Tokyo Dome host again? Guess this one can houses even more since they have seats till right next to the ring?)
<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >
This whole stadium was full down to the passages during the match. Such was the pulling power of the Top gladiator's charisma.

"Everybody is this well mannered all thanks to Balgaranda. 'Everyone is equal in this stadium, don't make a scene. Those who resort to violence may come down and face me. Prove your mettle by facing me head-on!' He said. He was so numbingly cool I could still remember that day even now. As luck have it, I was watching the match that day. Couldn't stop boasting to my friends."

Looks like the champion is quite a dramatic man.

"One of the audience got tangled up with some bad character, you see. Their shoulders merely brushed. This thug grabbed him by his neck. Can you guess what happened next?"

The guide was in his own world as he threw that rhetorical question on me.

"That thug got onto the ring of course! It all happened after Balgaranda's match was over too! An unexpected encore! The thug slashed with his sword. Only one swing. Just before it could hit, the champion punched his jaw from below!"

A counter uppercut. Must have been a flashy KO.

"'Come and defeat me first if you want to throw your weight around in this city!'  Aah~ He was so cool beyond word! All the bad characters went into hiding ever since. I mean we got a hero in this city. Top among top. Acting violently when you're weaker than the hero is just an embarrassment."

Apparently everything in this city is evaluated by champion's standard.

"More and more people supported his cause eventually forming a sort of support group. They're all scary looking men too. They got really tight together. But since they all adore the champion, they never resort to violence, not even once. People were weirded out with how docile they were at first, but it's become an everyday sight these days."

The guide laughed.
More than half of the audience remained while the guide narrated an episode in Balgaranda's epic.
No telling when I can get out of this place.
No point fretting over it though, so I'm gonna take it easy on my seat.






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Skill? Nee yo Sonnamon! Chapter 294



This chapter starts from Reina's POV

Alma-san has been bedridden for two days since we got news on Kajikawa-san going missing.
She hasn't been eating well and sits all day on her bed while staring blankly and occasionally talking in delirium.

...It's so hard to watch her like this.
Both Hiyoko and me are worried sick.
Kajikawa-san would have Fast Travel-ed here right away if he was still alive, yet we haven't heard a pep from him.
...According to Neora-san, he ran into Demon King, so you'd normally think he'd been killed.

But Kajikawa-san is not normal. He's anything but normal. In all sort of ways.
He's not someone who'd go and kick the bucket just like that. He's so persistent he could be on the verge of dying one moment and then back on his feet fully healed a moment later like nothing.
Since they couldn't find his corpse, I bet he's just knocked out cold or unable to move.
I'm sure he'll get in touch with us sooner or later, there's really nothing to worry about. I think.

But Alma-san can't help but worry it seems.
I get it, I really do. She had been stressed out just from not seeing him for days and then that news came up.
Didn't think she'd pass out though.
...Sorry to say Kajikawa-san, but I'm way more worried about Alma-san than you.

Her parents' words won't reach Alma-san at all.
She'd only mutter 'Hikaru, Hikaru' every time she opens her mouth, her eyes look lifeless. She's gonna collapse at this rate.
Now that it's come to this, it falls on me to get her back on her feet...!

"Oy, brat."

I heard a man's voice behind me out of nowhere.
Dukeris-san? No, he's not this young sounding... More like.

"Who you calling a brat! Rude much?!"

"Who are you, if not a brat. Ya sure got one hell of a fighting style tho', I give you that."

It's the black haired swordsman who fought Alma-san during the semifinal, Alancyan Aizawa.
He's got a foul mouth and attitude, but he's a better swordsman than Alma-san. He's got a foul mouth tho'. Foul mouth. Gotta repeat that thrice cause it's important.

"Where'd you spring up from. What do you want?"

"My business ain't with ya, I'm here for Alma. Where is she?"

"What are you even talking about out of the blue. Actually, are you still aiming for Alma-san? This after losing your match despite saying stuff like 'I'mma win and make you mine guhehehehe'."

"I ain't that vulgar dangit! Who you take me for, damn brat!"

"Quit it with brat! I'm of age and an Advanced Job holder already!"

"....For real."

"For realsies."

He can't seem to believe I'm already an Advanced Job, his mouth is agape. Take that!
Yup, thanks to all the level ups during the Stampede the other day, both Alma-san and I Job Changed to Advanced Jobs.
I'm currently Lv54 while Alma-san is Lv57. By the way, Hiyoko-chan is Lv55. Gununu...!

I'm 'Kunoichi Mochizuki', while Alma-san is 'Master Paladin'. We both obtained new Skills.
By the way, what does 'Mochizuki' (Full Moon) mean? Is it like that mochi snack Kajikawa-san made for us... Uh probably not.

"Alma-san is not mentally stable, she's still bedridden. I was about to drag her out of her room to cheer her up, don't get in my way."

"Talk about drastic measures... Well, I ain't one talkin'."

"What are you planning? Ha, you can't be trying to make use her moment of weakness to force your way--"

"No I ain't. Take your delusion and dump it in the trash bin, you precocious brat... Those two instructors asked me to perk Alma up somehow or another. Heard she been brooding bad ever since that weird flying masked old man went mia."

"You mean Alma-san's parents asked you? Ah, so Lunatiara-san brought you here with Teleportation magic."

Those two must have never imagined it would come to this after separating them to make them realize something. It must be weighing bad on their minds.
They're currently going around all over the fourth continent with teleport and their own feet but they couldn't get a hold even a single clue.
I think it's partly guilt and partly because they can't stand Alma-san looking like that.

Wait, this guy knew Soarer is Kajikawa-san.
Did he see his face when his mask broke during the end of the tourney?

"Lemme have a talk before you drag her out. I ain't gonna do anything as vulgar as your imagination goes."

"...Are you trying to woo her while Kajikawa-san's gone?"

"Think whatever you wanna."

"Well, I don't mind so long you don't get rough. Doesn't matter if it's Kajikawa-san or you, so long as Alma-san can be happy."

"Ha! That so."

He quickly went in Alma-san's room after I told him.
Doesn't seem like he's given up on Alma-san yet.

...Sorry to say after I said that, but there's no room for you between the two of them.

~~~~~~~~Alma's POV~~~~~~~~

<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >

Why, did this happen?

Is it because mom and dad took Hikaru away? No, it was simply a bad timing.

Is it because those guildmasters asked Hikaru to join in the fight? No, it's him, he'd have joined one way or another.

Is it because of Hikaru's personality that keeps putting himself in danger? ...But that's what makes Hikaru, Hikaru...

No. No no.

I can't put the blame on other.
What I ought to do now is to think about what to do.

What should I do.
What do I do.

Just what it is I can do.

What is it I want to do.

I have to go find Hikaru.
Where? If even mom and dad can't find him anywhere, what good will my addition do, but nothing will change if I do nothing, I have to hurry even if it's pointless I have to go find--

"...Oh man, this is worse than I thought."


A familiar man was standing in front of my room's door before I realized.

"...Alan, cyan?"

"You ain't gonna ask me how long I been here, are you? I knocked and got no answer, I talked and got no response. Was sure you were sleeping with eyes open."

"Sorry, I didn't notice."


He scratched the back of his head while smiling wryly.
He seemed genuinely shocked from me not noticing... I'm sorry.

"Heard you been down in the dump ever since that flying old man went poof... Gotta say, ya look real terrible."


"Putting that look on someone as expressionless as you. You seriously love that old man, eh?"


Stop it.
...Please, stop.
It feels my chest is squeezed hard when I hear the word 'love'.
Moreso now I can't meet him.

"I see, it's real eh. Ain't ever see ya with that expression."

...Shut up.
Don't speak like you know my feelings.
No, he probably understood that and said it anyway--

"I don't like it."


Alancyan gripped my chin.
Strongly but not roughly.
He put his face close enough for our lips to almost meet and continued talking.

"That man's figure is ever present in your eyes."

"...Let me go."

"I mean I got it. I lost to ya and that guy coulda twist me into a rag easily. Women always gravitate to strong men, it's only right."

"What, do you know."

Yes, Hikaru is strong. He's more reliable than anyone, it takes everything just to keep up with him.
But, that's not what attracts me--

"But I'm bad at giving up y'see... I ain't givin up on you just yet."

"...You lost, in that match. Are you, not satisfied with the result."

"Nah, not at all. I lost and that that. I ain't pathetic enough to make a lame excuse."


"I just gotta keep challenging you till I win."


"I ain't ever givin' up. I may be nothin' to ya and that old man, but I'mma beat the two of you one day and make you mine. I'm gonna keep fighting no matter how many times."


What is this man talking about.

I'm feeling down right now. I have no strength to listen to your story. Really, what is he even going on about.

"Keep acting like that and ya gonna lose yer' edge. I'mma shoot past you in no time flat."

"...Is that supposed to be an encouragement?"

"Aa? I just wanna drive some gusto in ya. Don't get it wrong, this ain't me tryina pep you up... Go on and lose to me once. You're gonna be mine."

Ah, yup, he's not lying. Those eyes are serious.
Like a predator eyeing their prey.
Sharp and thin... But they're somewhat gentle somehow.

"That all I had to say. Later."

He took his hand off my face and walked to the door with his hands in pockets.
I must be imagining his ears looking reddish.

...Yup, I got it.
He let out his true feelings. He's not lying about making me his.
And how he was trying to encourage me in his own way even if he couldn't put it into words.



I will respond in kind.

"I won't lose next time. And the next one, the next one after that, I won't lose to anyone but Hikaru."

"...Haa. Then quit lyin' on yer bed. Go and swing yer sword or sumthin'."

Alancyan declared he's going to beat both of us.
That means Alancyan believes in Hikaru's survival.

Even someone who must see Hikaru as a thorn on his side believes in him, yet look at the state I am in.
...Un, I have to leave my room and do what I must--

BAAAAAAM!! My room's door got flung open along with that loud sound.


The door hit Alancyan hard in the face.
He's rubbing his glaring face while his body quivered.

"Alma, you in there!?"


Hero Neora-kun got in my room... He looks as easily mistaken for a girl as ever.
I heard he fought in the battle on the fourth continent along with Hikaru. Wonder if mom brought him in here.

"Hm, aside from looking slightly pale, you're surprisingly peppy."

"Were you worried about me? I'm sorry."

"Nah, don't mind me. More importantly--"

"Oy you bastard! The hell you tryin' to pull, you okama!"

"Huuuuh!? I dare you call me that again, you damn brat! ...Wait, what's up with that bump? Look real painful, uwaa."

"You frickin' did this, you damned okama! Let's take this outside!"

"Okama this, okama that, shut the hell up! I got no time for you darn it!"

"...It's only been seconds since we got in. Why are you two fighting already?"


...These two are in bad terms. I don't think it's because of any event in particular. They just don't match with one another.
Reina and Hiyoko who got in with Neora couldn't believe their eyes. They must have brought Alancyan and Neora here.

"Good timing tho'. You, stay and hear this out too."

"Aa? I got zilch to do with yer' stuff."

"Yes you do. Just shut up and listen."

"...Tch, the heck's yer' deal."

"What, happened?"

"I received a message from Kajikawa-san. I'll narrate it for you, please listen carefully."






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Kamisama no Kago wo Kyohishitara?! Chapter 556

556 Clash Between Trump Cards


The arena is still wrapped in silence. The clash between the two is too high leveled, the audience can't catch up.
Malvas who quickly pulled himself together from the shock of getting blocked took the same stance once again.

"Not yet! I'm not done yet! Didn't think I'd have to resort to this! But I'll end it this time for sure!"

The challenger unleashed another Thunder Thrust. This changes nothing. Balgaranda took a slight step back to dodge.
But then the Thunder Thrust changed trajectory as if that was its aim all along. Malvas moved next to Balgaranda from his front. Then he thrust his spear.

Balgaranda instantaneously responded by blocking it with his shield while letting out 'Muuun!' sound.
The shield broke into pieces. That was some power. But Balgaranda's hand seemed unharmed, the champion paid no heed to his now unusable shield and leaped backward.

(No making yourself open by acting surprised in the middle of a combat. That's top-tier fighters for you.)

If it were me, I'd definitely go, 'M, my shield!'
Despite possessing this power, my mental is that of a wuss.

"Damn you! How did you dodge that! Fine, I won't give you any time to!"
<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >
The challenger kept changing his Thunder Thrusts' trajectory to corner the champion.
Meanwhile, the champion thoroughly dodged them all with the least amount of movements. He moves so lightly, it makes me wanna ask, 'How can such a big bodybuilder move delicately like that?'

As the audience gradually began to understand what kind of clash was happening in the ring, their rustle turned into a huge cheer.
The guide next to me is excitedly fist pumping while screaming 'Uwooooooo!'
The champion and me are likely the only calm people in this arena.
The champion himself has been lightly parrying all the strikes from the spear with his sword.

Then, just as the barrage of thrusts looked like they were too much for the champion to handle.

Malvas got behind Balgaranda. He mercilessly thrust his spear on Balgaranda's back.
There should be no dodging or blocking that.
The spear pierced in the champion's... not.

'CLINK!' a sound of metal clashing resounded.
Immediately after, Balgaranda spun around and hit Malvas with the dull flat side of his blade.

Malvas got blown about three meter away and fell down the ground. Having no strength left, he could only lift his chagrined face at Balgaranda.
Balgaranda has stopped in a pose of a baseball player who just hit a home run.

Yep, the spear did hit the champion's back. But it couldn't manage to pierce into his skin, and the champion counterattacked.

Balgaranda slowly straightened his pose and started talking.

"Well, I'll be. To think you managed to drive me into using my trump card. You were incredible. I'd love to have another match if opportunity arises."

Apparently it was his trump card that blocked the spear.
I could hazard a guess as to what that is.

(Something like Iron Body martial art? That was nothing more than a fiction in my previous world. Guess it does exist no problem in this world.)

I won't be surprised if mysterious powers like 'Ki' also exists here.
I mean magic does. Heck, there are probably magic that can harden your body. Like Ast*n.

"Victor! Balgarandaaaaaaaaaa!"

The announcer loudly announced the result of this match.







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Skill? Nee yo Sonnamon! Chapter 293



This chapter starts from Alma's POV

There are things you only discover when you're apart.

I don't know if that's what my parents intended, but I can see it now.

Just how much his supports mean to us.
And how great the sense of loss I'm feeling because he's not around anymore.

There's this empty feeling in my heart as if a hole has formed on it.
...I did have a hole opened in my heart physically once, but this time it's invisible.

Something was made clear several days after our separation as I nearly reached my breaking point.

No food tasted good even though they all had proper seasoning.

I couldn't muster up the motivation to train. Just like during that time I took Apprentice Paladin Job after coming of age.

I didn't feel anything no matter how hard I went against magic beasts. It all just felt so tiring.

I scolded myself to stop acting so spoiled and focused on training and leveling until I passed out from exhaustion every day.
I can't immediately see through magic beasts' traits and Skills like Hikaru so there were times where I gave wrong commands. Things just wouldn't go as smooth.
Reina and Hiyoko kept telling me not to overdo it, but I'd lost my drive to do anything if I didn't do it.

I'm aware that I was acting like a child throwing a tantrum.
Sulking, irate and complaining inwardly because things don't go my way.
I've been overworking myself every day to avert my eyes from that truth but it does nothing to solve the problem.

That's my own problem because Hikaru isn't around.
That, doesn't matter. I should work hard to develop my strong points and improve my weaknesses.

There are things you only discover when you're apart.

To us... to us, what does Hikaru mean to us.

Every single day is fun just by being with him.

He would make us meals every day and laugh from the bottom of his heart when we told him, 'It's yummy.'

Fighting alongside him, there's a part of me terrified of being left behind, but it also compels me strive harder and get stronger.

Him saying, 'Thank you for your help' may be him being considerate, but those words mean the world to me, it's my pride and joy.

There are things you only discover when you're apart.

...I don't know what was the impetus.

Was it that time he taught me Magic Swords and took me out of the inferiority complex I had on my failure of a Job.
Was it that time we formed a party after Stampede.
Or maybe it was that time when we first met in the forest and helped each other defeating magic beasts.
Or maybe every little thing in our daily life that kept on piling on... To me, Hikaru is--

Why only now can I put it into words after our separation...
No, it's precisely because we are separated.
If I noticed it when we were still together, I wouldn't be able to see him like I had always been, so perhaps I was unconsciously trying to shut out my feelings.
...Mom probably knew and separated us for this sake. But dad must have thought nothing else besides stuff like our party roles and such.

As my mind was in disarray, we received news about large scale raids by magic beasts on most continents.
It's happening on continent 1, 2 and 4. Large scale magic beast disasters numbering on tens of thousands strong each.

Continent 1 is mom and ours to take on, continent 2 has dad, while the fourth continent rests on other people.
All trainees including Hikaru have gone there.

Hikaru is strong. He's gotten strong enough to keep up with dad.
No ordinary magic beast can be his match, or it should be.
There's something dark and heavy weighting my chest. An uneasy feeling I've never had before in my life.

'I must believe in Hikaru', I tried to erase that uneasy feeling as I faced off against the swarm of beasts.
'I can't look him straight in the eyes if I can't even fulfill my role right', using that pretext to go wild.
Yet, that uneasy feeling wouldn't go away no matter how wild I went and the fight was over.

Just as I was about to ask permission to hear about Hikaru's safety even if I can't meet him... We received news of him missing.

Neora-san told dad that he saw signs of Hikaru fighting Demon King only to find a pool of blood belonging to him and his destroyed great hammer in the aftermath.

I couldn't breathe well right after hearing that news.
It feels stuffy and painful even though I'm inhaling air. I broke out in cold sweat. I can't stop my body from trembling.
The weight in my chest is getting heavier and heavier.


Everything went black as I heard Reina's yell.

Where are you, right now, Hikaru

Please, I'm begging you, be, safe--


<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >

......Good morning.

<<Good morning.>>

Where, am I?

<<In front of the entrance to Daijel-adjacent Dungeon's Floor 1. It would have been best to get as deep as possible, however, Fast Travel cannot enter a dungeon.>>

Why are we here? I remember getting killed by Demon King during the war...

<<Immediately after your bodily death, an appropriate measure was taken to revive you with an Elixir and a shock by way of magic boots overload. Afterwards, auto teleportation through Fast Travel was executed to ensure your safety as well as furthering future plans.>>

...Eh? Revival, you did Menu-san?


...And I was so sure, 'Ah, I'm dead.' Yet here I am revived.
Thank you. Thank you so much for real, Menu-san. Let's get married.

<<This function exists to support Kajikawa Hikaru and his companions. No thanks necessary. Also, our marriage is inapplicable by nature.>>

Ah, I'm just joking. Please don't reply me so seriously and coldly. My bad, really.
By the way, we managed to run away and all, but how long has it been since then?

<<Kajikawa Hikaru fainted from the electrical shock... Correction, the near death experience by Demon King's hand for three days.>>

Three days!? You telling me I was out for that long!?
Wait, what do you mean by electrical shock!? Those words showed up for an instant before getting erased. No overlooking that!

<<...Let us discuss future plans.>>

Eh, you gonna ignore me? Aren't you acting kinda rougher than usual? Did something unpleasant happen to you while I was out cold, Menu-san? ...Oh, well.

For now, everybody must be worried sick about me going MIA for three days after a run in with Demon King, I should go report to them with Fast Travel.

<<Negative. You will now conquer this dungeon solo.>>

Wha? But why?

<<Demon King's Menu is currently in a dormant state, disallowing Demon King to use any Menu functions. However, it will restart in about 10 days and possibly confirm Kajikawa Hikaru's survival.>>

Geh! That's bad!
Err, can't you stop my info from leaking out with your power, Menu-san?

<<Concealment is difficult once your existence has been confirmed. The possibility of Demon King's Menu finding that fact will remain as long as you stay in this world.>>

...What do then? Honestly, I don't wanna meet that thing ever again.
It's not even about power level anymore. He's simply in a whole different dimension. Nowhere near in the same ballpark.
Don't think I could ever win no matter how many levels I raise. I'm just gonna leave everything to Hero-kun to deal, yep let's.

...Ah, I can't stop trembling just from recalling that time.
My teeth are clattering. I had encountered near death experiences many times before, but never anything that hopeless and real.
...I wanna throw up. My heart is beating fast just from the thought of that thing come attacking in ten days.

<<Warning: you may be hyperventilating due to stress. It is advised you take a deep breath and calm your mind and body.>>

O, ou. Right. *Breathe in, breathe out*.

<<That's Lamaze technique. Not suitable to regulate breathing.>>

Yup, I know... I'm feeling better thanks to Menu-san's quip. Sankusu.


So, what do I do. You can't be seriously telling me to get stronger than Demon King in ten days, can you?

<<That feat is extremely difficult to achieve. Virtually impossible in reality. Therefore, you should prioritize hiding your survival from Demon King.>>

Oh okay.
So, I gotta ask again why are we in this dungeon.
I only have worries about my future... I mean, that's same old same old. Haa.

Oh yeah, what's going on with Alma and the girls. I'm more worried about them in a way.

<<Reinamiure and Hiyoko are healthy. Almatina has gone into a coma due to hyperventilation. She has gotten slightly weaker thereafter.>>

Alright, I'm heading back straight away! Hurry up, now!

<<Denied. That action risks endangering future plans.>>

What!? No, but, I mean I get that, but can't I go see her just for a bit...

<<Doing so may put Alma and the group in great risk. It is advised to avoid meeting them directly or informing them of your current location in order to avoid detection by Demon King's Menu.>>

Eh... Actually, hyperventilation. What cornered her that much anyway?
...No, there's no two way about it, it's my fault. The guilt, agh.

Then, at least--






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Kamisama no Kago wo Kyohishitara?! Chapter 555

555 Preemptive Strike


Malvas, the challenger, got the first strike.
He lightly took a stab at Balgaranda's throat with his short spear. Yep, he's in for the kill, no hesitation.

According to the guide, there's no restrictions imposed on fights between gladiators, everything goes.
Literally anything goes as long as you defeat the opponent even fights outside the ring.
That includes getting hold of your opponent's weakness and threatening them with it.

(Is that okay? Of course not, no? In all manners of speaking.)

While I was having that thought, the challenger already made his third stab.
The champion nonchalantly dodged every single stab.
The fourth stab was aimed at the abdomen to which the champion greatly backstepped away.
The audience which had gone silent after the match began erupted once again.

(They can never keep it down can they? How do you even concentrate on the battle.)

It's a match where any tactic is valid. That much shouldn't even serve as a warm up to gladiators standing on the summit of this sort of world.
All the more to someone who can maintain his position on those summits indefinitely.

(This champion stands at the peaks of all five arenas. This can't be his full power.)

The champion leaped ahead, swiftly closing the distance and slashing at his opponent diagonally from above. The challenger exquisitely dodged to the side.
As the challenger's long flowing hair swayed in the hair, a group of woman fans yelled one after another, 'Kyaa!', 'So dreamy!', 'Hug me!'

(Wonder why? I'm compelled to say, blow up.)

Their clash was nothing more than a light skirmish, yet the whole arena went into a frenzy like never before.

Meanwhile, in the center of this swirling passion, the two gladiators aren't budging at all, wait-and-seeing each other's next move.

"You do not possibly believe you can take champion spot by playing around like this, do you?"

Balgaranda asked the challenger. He got his answer.

"That was merely a demonstration of my former strength. And now, I'll show you the power I have obtained in order to defeat you."
<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >
Malvas signaled his intent to go all out.

He gripped his short spear with both hands and took a stance like he was doing a sword drawing move.
Balgaranda got on alert as he stood in the ring.

The arena is wrapped in silence once again from the heightening tension between the two.
The audience is waiting in bated breath for what comes next.

"Can you keep up with me? Eat this, Thunder Thrust!"

Must be that finishing move's name. Malvas disappeared right after he yelled it out loud.
Reappearing diagonally behind Balgaranda's left side.

"Tch! You've got luck on your side. Or, was that battle hardened intuition from all your fights?"

That move was apparently a straight charging thrust at imperceptible speed.
Balgaranda accurately parried that while suffering no damage in the process.
The shield he used to parry has a straight black line engraved on it from the sheer speed contained behind the thrust.

"Oh wow that made me break in cold sweat. It's been quite some time since I last witnessed such a good move."

"You won't be so lucky next time! Eat this!"

Malvas immediately took another stance. And unleashed the same thrust.
Malvas reappeared behind Balgaranda once again.
But unlike before, his expression is grim.
Nobody is talking among the audience. The thrust was so fast none of them could understand what was going on. They all look dumbfounded.

"You dodged that!? After only seeing that once!?"

Yep, that's the champion for you. The zenith of this coliseum stands far above his challenger.

The only reason I'm acting normally is thanks to having entered Acceleration, allowing me to enjoy the match to the fullest. Heck, I can't help but enter Acceleration on its own whenever I try to concentrate.
But it's the lowest stage of Acceleration. Thus I could make out the 'Thunder Thrust' and the champion perfectly dodging the second thrust.






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Skill? Nee yo Sonnamon! Chapter 292

Flipped Out, Partner


This chapter starts from Hero's POV

...The capital defense battle ended with our defeat.

According to Menu, the current generation Demon King Fast Travel-ed to the capital, destroyed the castle and killed the king.
We didn't pay attention to that side because we were too preoccupied with the magic beasts... Or perhaps not, but we should have at least put more thought into the king's safety.
Altho' I'm not sure if we could get away from that Demon King even if we did.

You cannot use Fast Travel or Teleport magic when you're near Demon King.
[No running away from the great king of demons] or something. Wonder if the being who made Demon King used that manga as a reference.
As such, there is no escaping Demon King if he's already in your sight.

How about other means? Impossible.
There's a lot of distance to cover from the castle to this location. Should be around, 5-6 KM far.
Yet, Demon King got here in a few seconds. Purely on foot, without any use of Skills or Fast Travel.
Not even Kajikawa-san can do that, I think.

I guess the silver lining is the fact that we managed to exterminate all the invading magic beasts one way or another.
Ironically enough, the Forbidden Magic used by demons helped thin out the herds, but the beast that came from those spells were real bad news.

I had to self-destruct to kill the giant on the west side. I'm never doing that again.

The kangaroo beast that showed up on the south side was taken care of by Radia, Baredo and Rasfi, surprisingly. They did great against an enemy much stronger than them.

Several S-Rank magic beasts appeared on the north side. They too all got taken out thanks to well coordinated attacks between mohawk haired soldiers, Hyula and that Aizawasomething brat... Get that image outta my head.

We have no idea what happened to the Mimic Goblin that came out on the east side.
Kajikawa-san didn't manage to eliminate it, yet it doesn't seem like it fled into the surrounding areas either. I can't locate its position on my Map.
...Where'd it gone off to. I have a bad feeling about it.

Speaking of whereabouts, I'd like to know about Kajikawa-san's as well.
All I know is that he fought Demon King and then I can't get a grasp on his ultimate fate.

Menu is unable to get a hold of him either as information on him has been shut out it seems, not even Chat works.
...Or maybe he's dead already.

The only thing left in the spot where Demon King and Kajikawa-san clashed are a pool of blood that belonged to Kajikawa-san and his destroyed great hammer.
The person himself is nowhere to be found.
I found Radia and Baredo passed out nearby, but they have no clue what went down here either.

...For the time being, I contacted Sword King-san and explained the situation. But you know, it's hard.
Alma especially. That girl seems to really love Kajikawa-san. Damn him. Pop off. Bald off.
Heck, me being there would do nothing to them anyway, I should leave them be for now.

Can't say I'm not worried about them, but I gotta do what I gotta do.
I'll take on the trial to undergo Job Change and recruit more companions to prepare for the final battle.
The latter is of the utmost importance. I've gotta find strong cute girls even if I have to go around the world.

<<Are you an idiooooot! How can you be so fixated on that harem plan of yours now of all time!?>>

Oh shut it! I won't yield on that, no way nuh uh!
I'm stuck to fighting that stupidly strong monster, let me have this one for me at least!!

Heck, can I even win?
Even Kajikawa-san was quite a monster himself, wasn't he? Frankly speaking, I can't picture myself winning at all even if I reach Lv100.
And Demon King is strong enough to vastly outpower him, no? How do you even win against that. It's asking for the impossible.

<<Well yeah, if I had to be honest, the current Demon King is by far the strongest among all known Demon Kings. Kajikawa-san could have easily defeated the average Demon King by himself.>>

So you're telling me, the current Demon King is not only a user of Menu, he's also overwhelmingly powerful.
...What do against that even.

<<That's where the Unique Skill of the next Job after Hero comes into play. Also, you need courage and whatnot.>>

Courage huh... I'm nothing that grandiose.
Is courage all about not fearing death? I dunno if you could call it one when dying simply means getting revived in my case.

<<Ah, I'm not actually expecting Courage from Neora-san or anything.>>

Well aren't you nice!? I mean, I do agree with that assessment but can't you put it better!?

<<What's important is not Neora-san's courage but the courage of people that stand up on their own feet thanks to Neora-san's existence. You can't win a war with low morale.>>

...That it?

<<That it yes. There you go, let's get this Job Change done and become OP so you can put hope back in people's hearts.>>

O, ou.
...Wonder what kind of power I'm gonna get anyway.

<<Oh it'll be a huge surprise to you when the time comes. Bfft... Excuse me, I couldn't hold back my laughter after imagining that, pukukufufu.>>

What are you laughing at!? No really, what kinda ability is it anyway!? Can't help but worry!

<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >


"You have my gratitude, for coming to my rescue."

<<Demon King has used Fast Travel, confirmed.>>

<<Depletion of Life force and physical death by the loss of heart, confirmed. Healing with Heal Potion as well as restoring Life Force through Life Force Control... unfeasible. Kajikawa Hikaru remains unconscious.>>

<<Searching for other healing methods. Heal Magic, unfeasible. Forbidden Magic, unfeasible. Other Skills, or Items... One hit.>>

<<'Elixir' on Item Screen, confirmed. Unlike Heal Potions that restores Life Force, Elixir has the trait of 'Restoring target back to their known [Normal State]'. This method of restoration is akin to Life Force Control. As such, it should be applicable to heal Kajikawa Hikaru whose HP and physical body are not linked.>>

<<Voluntary administering of Elixir, unfeasible... Confirming emergency time, executing appropriate functions to administer.>>

<<Bodily regeneration, confirmed... Attempting to restart cardio-pulmonary function, failed. Brain death will set in under one minute.>>

<<Synthesizing magic formula on 'Magic Boots' with materials on Item Screen in order to reattempt. Overloading lightning magic ore to unload electrical shock.>>

<<Operation, Begin.>>

"....Aa... Aa... Ka.... Bobubabababababababa!!!?"

<<Cardio-pulmonary function reboot, confirmed. Estimating crisis averted.>>

"Ababababababababa!! ...*slump*."

<<...Kajikawa Hikaru has fainted from a strong electric shock post revival, confirmed.>>

<<Executing Fast Travel to secure safety.>>

<<Demon King's Menu has been put into Sleep State due to malfunctions, confirmed. Estimated time until reboot, 13 days.>>

<<Penetrating the information blockade, success. Hacking starts.>>

<<Intel on Demon King's Status, obtained.>>

<<Intel on Demon King's past life, obtained.>>

<<Constructing countermeasures against Demon King, complete.>>

<<Beginning counterattack on Demon King.>>







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Kamisama no Kago wo Kyohishitara?! Chapter 554

554 Vibration


Not sure how to express this.
Once the, announcer?, announced that the gladiators are entering the ring, the rustling audience went silent all at once.
And then the moment an armed man showed up on a long path connecting the ring, the spectators erupted into a huge cheer.
A concentration of voices that broke the silence. Their excitement transformed into a roar that shook your heart directly.

(Feels like this is real bad for those with a weak heart.)

The man receiving all this feverish zeal is the zenith, the champion of this coliseum city.
He looks like your average bodybuilder. Yep, a bodybuilder.
Wearing a leather protector on his chest, a small round shield on his left arm, a drawn ordinary sword in his right hand, and a pretty aqua-colored bracelet on his left wrist.
He's got a speedo below and then, nothing else. His shiny muscles are bulging all over.
The people in this world have blond hair and blue eyes. This one is a muscular macho.
His short hair is shaped sharp like a pinholder used in Ikebana, his face is somewhat strongly refreshing looking.

"That wasn't what I expected... Guy looks young too. Wonder how old he is. Was sure he was gonna be some battle-hardened old veteran man."

He must be Balgaranda, no doubt about it. The audience's passionate cheer is the only evidence I need.
Once he arrived at the center of the ring, the vibration shaking the arena stopped at once.

"Long time no see, everybody. I haven't had a challenger for quite a while now, and so did my chance to stand in this ring."

Apparently he's doing some sort of mic performance? His voice could be heard in the entire arena, must be a magic tool.

"But someone finally rose up to the occasion, and so here I am standing before you today. This challenger told me. That he has finally finished the preparations to defeat me. Yes, I'm sure all of you is familiar with my challenger."

Looks they've adopted a system where the champion can't fight if nobody challenges him.
I'm the only one not familiar with this challenger everybody seems to know. The guide sitting next to me was yelling in excitement, 'Uwooo', forgetting to work his coins.
It's not only him, everybody in the audience seat is standing up while yelling with pumped fists.
Amid this vortex of cheers, a lone man walked up toward the center of the ring.
The excitement swirling the arena got even more feverish with his appearance.

(It's so noisy I can't hear anything. Incredible. Almost unbelievably so.)

I'm the only one not fitting in this mood. I give up trying to blend in and calmly observe the challenger instead.

(A slender macho? He's way too thin compared to the champion though. But he's got clothes on him. Guess there's no dress code?)

The champion showed up only wearing a speedo so I thought that was the formal attire or something but apparently not.

The challenger is equipped with a chainmail, a short spear and some sort of winged decorations adorning his feet. He's got a small pouch corded around his waist, and that's it.
His long hair is slicked back on top of his refreshing young noble type handsome face.

"I shall stand as the champion of this coliseum once this battle is over."

This challenger's voice also resounded loudly in the arena.
The venue vibrated once again. Which only serves to annoy me.
They say 'When in Rome do, as the Romans do', yet I sit here quietly waiting for the match to begin in contrast to everybody else.
I'm probably the only spectators sitting right now.
All other people in this ring-shaped arena is standing up and yelling out loud as far as I can see.
Among them is a group of women cheering for the challenger.

(Ah, the challenger got a sweet mask for sure. Guess that type exists.)

The two men slowly advanced toward the center of the ring and faced off against each other, glaring.

"It's the moment of truth! Challenger Malvas versus Champion Balgaranda... Begin!"

The sound of a gong vibrated throughout the entire arena.the sound of a gong vibrated throughout the entire arena signaling the match's initiation.






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Skill? Nee yo Sonnamon! Chapter 291

Death Comes to All


Overlord of demons, 'Demon King' shows up out of nowhere.
Why is he here...?

According to Menu, Demon King basically cannot get out of their Demon King Castle.
There's a specific barrier that stops them from even trying. Even if they somehow manage to slip past that, their body will gradually crumble down outside, hence they can't stay out for long.
As a result, there's no record of any past Demon King acting outside their castle.

Conversely speaking, this also means they can move about outside their castle for a while if they can leave.
The current generation Demon King is a past hero reincarnate. Therefore, he can use Menu as well as 'Fast Travel'.
Is he using the little time available to him to destroy the royal castle, kill the king and come all the way here.

There's no safe place anywhere if that's how it works.
He could use the same tactic to kill the kings on other continents... What a mess.

Putting that despairing fact aside, there's a much more pressing matter here.

How does Demon King know my face and name.
I had never seen him before this very moment. The same should be said to him.

"H, ow."

"How do I know you, is it. Understandable. This was not how I looked like when we met the last time... No, I suppose it was not me you met."

Met, last time? With me? When? Where? Who?

A past hero? No, even the preceding hero right before current one should have been hundreds of years ago. That cannot be it.

Maybe, the past life of this hero?
Judging from the notes, voices and references left behind by all the past heroes, I believe all of them came from 21st century.
But then, who is he? There's way too many probable candidates, I can't squeeze out one.
Wait, maybe it's one among those who had died---

"Finding you is a fortuitous windfall."

Demon King smiled while speaking coldly.
There's absolutely zero amiability behind his smile. He simply lifted the corners of his mouth.

"More than the king, more than the hero. You are the one person with the potential to turn into our greatest adversary."

Oh no.
This is definitely not going in a nice direction.

What should I do, what can I do!?
Why's Menu been silent all this time! Isn't now the one time it's needed the most!
I am aware how reliant I am being to Menu, but like hell I wouldn't rely on Menu now of all time!
Anybody who can use Menu is probably going to become dependent. Especially in situations like this.


How will he attack.

How will he make his move.

Come at me quickl--


Demon King is gripping 'something'.

A grotesque pulsing bloody object.

I noticed my missing heartbeat the same moment that object caught my eyes.

"I shan't cut corners."

Demon King murmured as he crushed the object in his hand.

Using this moment while I could still move, I took my great hammer out of Item Screen, swung it at Demon King using Mana Control and drove Pile Bunkers his way.

But he broke the great hammer apart simply by lightly waving his hand like swatting a fly, and my Mana Pile Bunkers got squashed flat the instant they touched his flesh.

"I did not see this toy before, was it a recent addition? Your Pile Bunker is weaker as well. You have gotten weaker."

I fell slumping on the ground as Demon King said that.

I can't feel my beating heart.

My body won't move. Not even the slightest.

Heal, Potion, no, my consciousness, is, fading---

I don't, wanna, d--

Al, ma--

So, rr--


<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >


"His Status finally shows HP: 0 and State: 'Death'."

I let out a sigh without realizing as I looked down on the corpse of a Japanese man in a pool of blood.
It has finally felt like the first phase is now complete with the death of this man.

My Menu has flaws likely due to my incomplete reincarnation.
Such as being able to only use Fast Travel twice in succession.
One to go to the outside world. And another to go back to Demon King Castle. Trying to use more will forcibly put Menu into Sleep State.
I need to wait about half a month before Menu is usable again. I shall continue my research on that magic in my castle in the meantime.


My left arm is starting to rot. It's turning into ashes starting from extremities.
The limit is mere minutes. How inconvenient.

But these mere minutes were very much worthwhile.

My plan was initially to kill the king along with destroying his castle before immediately returning to my own.
I referred to Menu in search for strong humans I could erase along the way and noticed something inexplicable.
There was an abundance of magic beast corpses on the east side of the capital, unknown who slayed them.

Just as slayers have Kill Logs recording their deeds, victims also have logs displaying their slayers.
Yet these bodies only show blanks as the perpetrators.
Immediately after, Menu notified me how this man was the only person whose Status cannot be displayed. I then realized his identity when I went to check myself.

A chill ran down my spine when I saw his face.
To think he would come to this world, not Japan. Karma works in a mysterious way indeed.

Kajikawa Hikaru is the sole man I cannot let live as an enemy.
I did not think I would be granted this chance to eliminate him here and now.

Fate must have led me further towards the finality of mankind, as gods intended.

I thank you, Kajikawa Hikaru. My wielding of Menu is only possible due to you aiding me.

"You have my gratitude, for coming to my rescue."

I left that parting word to the unmoving body of Kajikawa Hikaru and activated Fast Travel back to Demon King Castle.


"He was, here right?"

<<Y, yes. He was for sure, just a tiny bit ago.>>

"Demon King and Kajikawa-san, they were fighting here?"

<<...Yes they were. Although it's less fighting and more Kajikawa-san getting beaten up so bad unilaterally.>>

"Only a pool of blood and a broken great hammer remain. Dammit... How do I explain to Alma and the rest..."






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Kamisama no Kago wo Kyohishitara?! Chapter 553

553 Crumbling Image


I asked the guide to buy us two tickets. I dunno how much it was, I just gave him a lot.
The guide looked anxious as he gave me the change.

"Are you sure about this? Can I really... come with you?"

The guide who went back to his normal speech pattern kept confirming.

"This seating position is the priciest there is... The front row and right next to the ring..."

I specifically asked for it. I wanted to watch the match from the nearest seat.
For two people, me and the guide.
Why, you ask? I mean I'm just gonna get lost right away entering such a huge building by myself. Definitely would without a guide, I've never been here before.
I could've asked him to only lead the way and get back to me after the match is over but that doesn't feel right.

"Alright, get me to our seats. Ah, also, is there a toilet here? I gotta go."

Thus we entered the coliseum. Turned out the passages insides weren't particularly winding. There's a lot of straight paths. There are junctions of course, but they all have easily readable signboards put up.

(This isn't what I imagined though? Was sure there were gonna be thugs blocking passages or drunkards making ruckus all over, where are they?)

Lots of people pass by us in the passages. All of them are looking excited, chatting fervently with their friends about matches.
None of them is making a commotion or going wild. They're all so well mannered.

"Hey, is this how it always like? I thought this place would be full of rogue characters and all."

I ended up asking.
<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >
"Ah, you have a point. A lot of people new to this place imagined the same. But all the spectators here know their manners. Yeah we'd go off during the matches. But this is how we're usually like after."

Apparently this is normal. Even well built men with evil-looking faces like the typical 'Ya**za' are keeping to themselves.
I've caught sight of people that look like they're in risky business. And they're all acting calm.
Even though they'd look the part if they laughed, 'Gahaha' while shoving other guests in their path.

"Balgaranda is the hero of this city. Of course those who look up to him all follow his creed. Goes to show how influential he is."

What is this hero's creed anyway? This guide never mentioned it.
Just before I could ask for an explanation, we arrived at the audience seat surrounding a ring-shaped arena.
It's structured exactly like that. Y'know, that.

"What is this, the Dark Tournament? No wait, I guess this place is bigger. There's people as far as eyes can see. They're like ga**ge."

The audience seat is completely filled with absolutely no vacant spot. The people here all look like they can't wait for the match to start. Yet, they're all being eerily quiet.
In the meantime, the guide got me to our seats. Reserved seating areas exist here.
I'm in the front row. The ring is right before my nose.

"Phew, did my business and all, no worries of missing the best part of the show now. Can't wait to see what this great hero of theirs all about."

I took a deep breath to avoid getting swept in the weird mood wrapping the arena and sat quietly.





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Skill? Nee yo Sonnamon! Chapter 290



I've still got the upper hands. I would surely win if we were to fight fair and square.
The goblin seemed to be aware of that fact as well and made its escape after exchanging a few blows with me.


"Hold it right there youuuuuuuu!!!"

Fleeing goblin. Pursuing me.
This is no time to play a game of tag but this goblin is unexpectedly good at it.

Its base stats are higher than mine, nevertheless I could overtake it with a slight energy-boosted buff.
But this goblin would make a sudden turn whenever I accelerate, and dash at full power whenever I slow down a bit to adjust my course.

I've been trying to catch it with remote mana control but it keeps dodging the invisible mana like it's visible.
Magic beasts at this tier are unbelievably perceptive. It can likely detect through its other senses asides from vision.

That's a Lv90, Unique Monster for you. It's second only to Oni-sensei.
Though since it's been forcibly produced through cultivation, or rather a Forbidden Magic, it lacks the overwhelming ability of Oni-sensei.

From what I can tell, it's trying its hardest to stay as far away as possible from me while utilizing Ultimate Martial Arts and Shield Arts it copied from Hero-kun.
Oy oy, that thing's gonna arrive at the other battlefields at this rate--

This crappy goblin, so that's its aim!

"O-oy, something's coming over here!"

"Is that, a goblin? No wait, how is it so fast!?"

I could hear soldiers' voices.
Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap! We're already at the south side all the way from east!
This should be where Radia-kun's group is fighting. This goblin might copy their Skills if I don't act fast!

"Move iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!"

I shouted out loud to make the soldiers stay away from the goblin.
Why do I gotta intimidate my allies, sigh.

"H, hii, hiieee!!?"

"W-what's the deal with that flying masked man!!?"

...Why are they screaming at me instead of the goblin.
I mean, I know that shout was menacing and all. Ah one of them fell on his butt.

But that wasn't in vain, those soldiers scattered away before the goblin got to them... Or rather, they're running away from me?
We're still in the outer circumference of the battlefield. I gotta kill the goblin dead before it could start copying everybody's Skills for real.

Wait oy!? There's people fighting among themselves without a care in the world where they are!
What dumbarses pick a fight in the middle of a war! This is no time for... Hm? Looking closer, isn't that Radia-kun?
He's fighting someone looking real shady wearing a hood and all... Just like me.

Ah hey hey, he's looking so mad while slashing at the guy, can't you save that for later.
Heck, who that anyway? No really.

<<...From his features, he may be a family member of Radiasta. Likely Radiasta's biological brother.>>

Brother? Eh, you're saying that's Radia-kun's elder brother?
So that hooded guy switched over to demon's side... No, that doesn't matter.
I mean that's not it, the goblin! The goblin's heading their way!



"Aa? The hell's that thing?"

Radia-kun was too absorbed in the fight to notice the incoming goblin.
Meanwhile, his opponent stared at the goblin with drowsy eyes. Like he's got it all under control.

"Don't get in my way!!"

"Yep yep. It's a long awaited reunion between brothers, interrupting our brotherly fight's real boorish, ya know?"

The two slash at the goblin with their Daggers.

『Kii! ...Kihihihihi!』

The goblin blocked their attacks with a shield made of Master Skill 'Goblin Bone Gear' and laughed.
It got two new Skills, Dagger Arts and the upgraded version, Short Blade Arts. Dang, it managed to copy them!



It immediately created a dagger made of bone and slashed at Radia-kun's opponent.
Mwu, should I stop that? No wait, he's on demon's side, guess there's no issue in him getting beaten up...

"Whoa watch it dangit, the hell yer' tryna' pull!"



"Ga, ha...! B, ast, ard...!!"

He grabbed Radia-kun and used him as a shield against the goblin...!

The goblin's dagger is stabbed deep in Radia-kun's abdomen.
Radia-kun spat out blood, fell on his knees and glared hard at the hooded bastard while breathing roughly.

"Hm, ah, my bad my bad. I mean thing went for me outta nowhere. No hard feelings there. Sorry."

"Screw... you...!"

"Well, ya know. Elder brothers have the rights to all their lil bro's stuff ain't it? I been drivin' that common sense to you since we were little. Yer life's mine, just so happens it got used up here for my sake."

What's with this guy.
How is that something a brother says.

He thinks absolutely nothing of anyone besides him.
What does he think his family are...!!

"Ga... a...!"


...Calm down me, Radia-kun's safety takes priority here.
I approached Radia-kun with Mana Flight and poured in my life force to heal his wound.

That did the trick but he's passed out from the shock of being stabbed.
...I'll use Fast Travel to send him somewhere safe later.


The goblin attacked me with a dagger.

Shove it.


I created a giant fist made of energy-boosted mana and knocked it down.
Seems like it used True Beast Release just before my attack connected and managed to survive, but the damage it suffered was no joke.
It took some distance away and kept staring at me while on high alert.

Watching all that, the hooded bastard spoke up.

"Hm? Who're you?"

"...Isn't this kid your little brother?"

Something cold is running throughout my body.
I can tell I'm acting weirdly composed despite the blazing rage in my head.

"Eh? Sure is, and? What? You wanna know 'bout our family situation or what?"

"Radia-kun has been chasing after you all this time. He braved through many dangers and near death experiences just to join Firie Kingdom's army and see you."

I still remember when Radia-kun grumbled everything away in his drunken rambling during the party at the capital.
He said he can't forgive his brother yet he's still family to him so he just doesn't know what to believe.

"Yeah yeah. Good work him. So? You ain't gonna tell me to pat his head or something, are ya? Eew, gross. He's like a baby who won't wean."

"...He was so shocked to find out you went over to demon's side after arriving at the capital."


"Aren't you ashamed of yourself. As a brother, and a human being. Don't you feel anything seeing how hard your brother worked even though it hasn't been a year since he came of age."

"Oh please, are you here just to lecture me? You're annoying, get lost will you?"

"You're only gonna get killed one day on that side. Demons won't ever see humans as an ally."

"And I'm just gonna get hanged real quick going back to human side. Might as well live longer over here. Besides..."

The hooded bastard whispered while smiling, sounding almost grim.

"Mankind is going extinct regardless. There ain't a way to win against that. Ain't no defeating that."

<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >

A moment later.

Sound of explosion roared from the direction of the royal castle in the capital.
The ground and the air shook hard as if an earthquake hit.
Then a mushroom cloud rose up from the royal castle's direction... It can't be.

<<The royal castle has been destroyed. There is no survivor inside including the king.>>

...No, way...!?

"This presence... Oy oy, are you for real. Didn't they say... He can't get out from that place."

The hooded man muttered while twitching and sweating profusely.
Presence, who is he--

I sense tremendously overwhelming life force and mana from the castle.
Utterly beyond Alma's parents', even Oni-sensei'ss pale in comparison.
And an aura so wicked, it tops any demons I've come across. Even simply sensing it puts a huge strain on my mental state.

I can tell even without reading its Status. That thing's base specs must be over five digits--

<<Advice: Abandon everyone besides Radiasta and Fast Travel away.>>

Menu let out a warning with a big text on a red glaring display.
Just what is...!?

<<E S C A P E A.S.A.P.>>

"His Status won't display."

Someone was standing behind me without me realizing in the slightest.

"The hero is over there. Who are you."

Long black hair. Umber-colored eyes. Nearly translucent white skin, yet it's got a healthy fleshy color to it.
A fair face. So fair you'd think it's a specifically sculpted work of art.
He looks the very picture of human, yet you somehow won't ever think he's one looking at him.

On top of it, I can't get his Status displayed. It shut outs my reading?

No way

There's no way, he's

"Your majesty, Demon King...!!"

The hooded bastard next to me got on his knees and whispered.

He's, the Demon King...!?


Demon King is looking at me with the mask I had on my face on his hand.
When did, he snatch it away!?

"I recognize, that face."

Demon King thus spoke with a gentle yet clearly hostile look on his face.

"It's you, Kajikawa Hikaru."

"Wh, at...!?"






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Kamisama no Kago wo Kyohishitara?! Chapter 552

552 Center


I've still got time. I've made up my mind where to next.
My original objective. To enjoy myself watching gladiators fight.
It's an entirely different kind of fun watching people doing the fighting compared to throwing down in the arena yourself.

(I dabbled in serious competitions a few times when I was learning karate back then. Ah, youth. Or something.)

As I grew older, I found I could learn a lot of things from watching people fight instead.
During the booming time of combat sports, I even spent my entire holidays watching recorded videos of such.

"Captain, the coliseum's over here ssu! Can't believe how big of a deal you made ssu. You must be a big merchant, cap ssu. You've got everything prepped left and right even though you're so young ssu! Kuuh~, you're so cool, cap ssu!"

Apparently my guide mistook me for a merchant.
As it didn't negatively affect me in any shape, I didn't correct him.

"I mighta heard stuff like limitless card, how'd you get your hands on one ssu...?! Please teach me your way, cap ssu!"

The guide kept talking to me endlessly as we walked.

"Anybody can have that as long as you got money, no? Dunno how much you need though."

I never asked Eltros the price of all the mats I made him sell to Bonutts.
I mean that got me a limitless card. The number should easily exceed my wildest imagination. An amount entirely foreign to my life.
The card also works as a form of ID since it has a guarantor.
The though of me carrying that thing with me sends a shiver.

(Also, simply hunting the beasts around these parts and selling them brings me a lot of money.)

Bearud mats netted me so much cash. Meaning, I can get that much whenever I want.
Meaning, I never have to worry about money anymore.

(Back then it was a Round Ape, and also a Wyvern. Bearud fetched for this much, and those two were higher tiered beasts, weren't they? Wonder how much they netted me...)

I trembled once again at the thought. I fear for my sense of value collapsing.
Humans get nervous from having a lot of capital. The money I got this time brought me to that realization.

"There it is, see that ssu! That's this city's centerpiece ssu! The great central coliseum ssu!"

It's an enormous building you have to look up to see in entirety. I think it's about as big as, the Tokyo Dome?

"We can still catch today's last match ssu! What would you like to do ssu? Wanna be a spectator ssu? It's a match featuring this city's zenith ssu! Bargaranda ssu! It's super hot stuff ssu!"

Looks like the match has this coliseum's champion participating.

"So hey, this city is supposed to have multiple arenas right? I think there were five of them, if I'm not wrong."
<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >

"You're not wrong, cap ssu. Bargaranda is the champion of all five ssu! Sword, spear, fist, bow, and magic ssu. He's the strongest of all ssu! It's titillating ssu! Everyone's been taken captive of his strength ssu!"
"Ah, sorry for interrupting when you're getting heated, can I ask you one thing?"

"Shoot me anything ssu! What is it ssu?"

"Can you drop that 'ssu' thing? It's annoying and grating to the ears. Also, didn't I tell you not to call me 'captain'?"

When I told him that, the guide's face turned into despair as he lamented, 'No way...'
I ignored him and looked around for a booth that sells the entry tickets.






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Skill? Nee yo Sonnamon! Chapter 289

Cross Counter and Hyena Showing Up


This chapter starts from Radiasta's POV





A powerful magic beast showed up out of nowhere from behind enemy line and mowed down the soldiers.
Oh crap, that thing's definitely way above our capability. It's decimating everything in one hit...!

...Had no idea a kangaroo magic beast existed out there. Never seen one before.
It's got a deep voice despite its cute face. Wait, who cares about that.





The kangaroo punches everything in its sight be it allies or enemies. What's with this out of control beast.
Judging from its actions, it seems to exclusively use martial arts and physical attacks.
It's only as big as an average human, yet its power is like that of a giant beast.
It's probably a Rank S magic beast.


"Uoooo!!? It's so, heavy, heck, fast!"

"Baredo, don't fight it solo! You've got no chance!"

"You don't gotta tell me!"

"W-well damn, they're fighting on par against that monster..."

"Oy! Quit watching and get the wounded away! They're seriously hurt!"

Rasfi and Baredo working together are barely a match against the kangaroo.
These two are almost reaching Advanced Job tier at upper Level 40s.
The kangaroo is probably upper Lv70s. It should have made a quick work out of them, like it did all other folk.

The fact that they're somehow able to scrape by must be thanks to the instructors.
This kangaroo is strong. Yet it just can't compare to our instructors.
It may be stronger than us but compared to that hell...!



"Tch! That's a sharp one!"

But it doesn't change the fact that it's stronger.
Every single punch from its storm of punches is lethal. One clean hit and they're out.
They're barely dodging its attacks, meanwhile their attacks basically deal zero damage.

"Radia, you help too!"

"Ain't no winning this with just us two! Don't you got more of those weird flying exploding stuff!?"

"Sorry, I got no more! I'll be there!"

I used up all the shurikens on other magic beasts.
Dangit, should've kept one if I knew it would come to this.

Meaning the only thing that can damage this kangaroo is...
...Do I really have to use it? I've got nothing but bad feelings.


"U, uwaaaaaa!!?"

"Wha, gahaa!!?"


The two suddenly got blown away.
I couldn't see it clearly but it was like the kangaroo let out dozens of punches all at once.
It's probably a Master Skill. It was hiding that kinda trick all along...!

"R-Rasfi, you still, holding up...!?"

"Cough...! ...Broke a few."

Baredo managed to reflexively clad his spear with Mana Blunting and defended against the attack but Rasfi wasn't so lucky and broke some bones.
I had a premonition somehow and managed to Quick Step-ed away.

"Dammit, drink potion and rest till you're healed! We'll keep it at bay!"

"Still, you did great dodging that attack, Radia."

"Ah, you know how that thing emanated this weird aura before it unleashed that attack, right? That helped..."

"Uh no, I couldn't tell at all tho'!? It didn't even make a stance first!"

"Eh? But it had this super obvious, 'I'mma do that thing' vibe to it. Oh and it did make a very slight stance change before it shot that move."

"...You're the only one who could tell that."


Well, I had countless experiences with my crappy brother who showed very slight signs whenever he was up to no good, even before my training.
He'd stop at nothing wolfing down my meal if I let my guard down. Crappy aniki. Dammit.
I ended up honing my observation skill, or more like foresight thanks to that.
I will never say thanks but at least I got something out of my life with that crappy brother of mine.


"Baredo! Watch out for its legs!"

"Leegs? Uwoo! Damn thing can kick too!?"

『Vaa!? Vavuu!』



『Vu, vooo!』

"That one was real dangerous!"

"A-are you fudgin' me! How the hell did you tell!?"

O, ou. I myself am surprised at how much I could see my opponent's moves.
I can come up with countermeasures by observing the way it moves its body, its line of sight and stuff like that.
...Feel like I'm getting more and more inhuman...




But situation is still critical.
Landing even a single hit is an automatic win for our opponent.
Meanwhile, none of our attacks is making the slightest dent.
There's no easy way to bury the gap in Attributes. Which means...

..........Guess I really gotta use it? Give me a break...


Seemingly losing its mind from missing all the time, the kangaroo roared loudly and rushed at us.
A hit with all its body weight thrown behind it. I'm probably gonna get broken down into powder if it hits.
Defending against that is undoable. Trying to dodge with Quick Step is a fool's errand faced with Ground Shrink.

"R-Radia, dooooodge!!"

Which, means...!

Failure is not an option. As it means death.

But I lost count how many times I've been in this exact situation!


I twisted my neck and dodged the incoming punch by a hair's breadth.
Kangaroo's fist grazed my cheek. Yet it left a wound so deep it was as if a knife stabbed me hard.

I cross countered by punching the kangaroo's face with my gauntlet-equipped fist!!

The moment my fist connected, a boom resounded as my body got blown back.


A tremendous impact. The recoil in my gauntlet arm was so intense I thought my arm would tear off.
Followed by a pain so fierce I thought the kangaroo also drove in a counter too.

"T-that huuuuurt...!!"

This gauntlet is another hidden weapon left by Kajikawa-san.
The moment it hits a target, the mana stone loaded in it gets consumed and causes an explosion that shoots out externally.
The explosion just now was fire elemental, but it can also do other elemental explosions like ice, or lightning.
...Its only issue is its firepower. It's so high the user also suffers.

My arm is hanging down lifelessly.
It's either broken or the joints popped off due to the sheer impact.
...Looks like it won't be usable for a while.

M-more importantly, what about the kangaroo?

『Vi, vuuu....!』

...It has lost half of its face, barely managing to stay on foot.
I-it's still alive. But only barely. Anyone can deal the finishing blow now--

<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >

"Got myself free exp."

『Va, ve...!?』


He showed up out of nowhere. Someone wearing a hood finished the kangaroo off with a dagger.
I can tell I leveled up at the same time. The presence of this mysterious person in front of me also increased.

"Ouou, that thing was useless but this much exp ain't half bad. I'mma praise it for serving as a fodder for my level up. Well done, useless."

I almost threw up just from hearing his voice.
The cold sensation from seeing this person in front of me overpowered the feeling of relief of having my arm healed thanks to level up.

"But damn, look at what you did. Yer' gonna make me lose my standing dangit. How you gonna make it up to me, Radia."

The slightly visible hair and eyes under his hood are colored green similar to mine.
Then there's the sleazy voice I had to endure for nearly ten years which would send me spiraling down just from my ears picking it.

"Y, you bastard...!!!"

"Oy, oy, who you calling bastard, I'm yer dang brother. Repeat after me, 'Ravijia-niisama', capiche?"

Crappy, aniki!!!






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