Onward, to the Nostalgic Dungeon
This chapter starts in third party POV.
"『Sorry for not contacting you guys for several days. I got knocked out cold from Demon King's blow on my stomach, couldn't get outta the bed, see. My bad, for real.』 ...gimme back my worries."
"Demon King's blow on his stomach..."
"It was probably a fatal strike and Demon King thought he had killed Hikaru for good... But why did Demon King seek out Hikaru in particular...?"
"Moving on. 『Demon King seems to know me somehow. He even mentioned 'Kajikawa Hikaru' name and my move, 'Pile Bunker'. But he didn't seem to be familiar with my great hammer. Wonder who he is if we really have met before.』"
"So like, they met before great hammer was made but after Kajikawa-san came up with Pile Bunker?"
"...But I don't think there's anyone who would fit that. Just, who...?"
"『Dunno who Demon King really is. Only thing for sure is that he's stupidly strong, way beyond me no matter what I do. He got me good even though I was fully on guard. It was super scary. There's absolutely no way to win against that by myself.』"
"That old man got his arse handed to him huh... Demon King must be a real monster."
"『I'm gonna hide away to escape Demon King's Menu detection. It'll take roughly ten days at least. I hope you can forgive me for being selfish. I'm really sorry about all this.』"
"How many time is he gonna keep apologizing... There's no need for that, really."
"Un... I'm glad, he's okay."
"『During that time, I need Alma and Reina to do something for me. Please get Alma's parents and everybody they're teaching all in one spot.』"
"That'll be, Radia-san, Hyula-san and the rest right. Can they get out of bed already?"
"Yeah, they're all in good forms. They didn't survive those instructors' hellish training for nothin'."
"『Once they're all gathered, I need you to--』."
"『Also, I know it's not my place to say this, but Alma, make sure you eat properly, you hear me. I've left some food with Neora-kun, have at it... I'm sorry for leaving you alone.』"
"What did he send to Neora-san? Wait, did you meet Kajikawa-san in person, Neora-san?"
"No, I didn't. Those items were delivered to me through 'Item Screen'... Gotta wonder though, why did he choose this."
"Hm, is that meat? Ah, it smells so good."
"...Ginger pork fry."
"Yup, it's pork fry alright... I mean it's good yeah, but why?"
"...It's the first meal Hikaru made for me."
"O-oh really. Must be charged with memories... Whoa, oh? She's really wolfing 'em down...!?"
"A-Alma-san, you're gonna choke if you don't slow down... Actually, leave some for us too! Hey! Why're you hogging them all to yourself!"
『Pii! Pipi!!』
"...Had no idea you were a glutton..."
<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >
...Wonder if Alma is doing fine.
<<Intake of Ginger Pork Fry sent to Neo Raifu's Item Screen, confirmed. Sufficient nutrient has been taken.>>
I see, that's good to hear.
It'd weigh on my mind so bad, I wouldn't have the drive to dive in a dungeon if she fell ill because of me.
<<...However, she is experiencing an abdominal pain due to taking in a huge quantity of food while her digestive organs were weakened. As it is only a mild symptom that will recover by itself in one hour, it is nothing of note.>>
...Eh, did she eat all that? But I left some for Reina and Hiyoko too.
W-well, I guess it's fine. Those mascots are the very picture of health anyway, I can always make more for them once I get back.
But, man, things really never come together whenever I work solo just like that time with red boar and Gluttony Slime.
There's only so much you can do alone no matter how strong you get. Can't let it get over my head.
This applies to Demon King as well.
Once everything is ready, we're gonna show him what 'strength in numbers' means. Guhehehehe.
Hero-kun's power especially is key. Keep at it Hero. Go get your party members and Job Change already.
Now then, I'll leave things over there to Alma's group, while I work on my shares here.
I just gotta dive in this dungeon, aiming for Floor 21 right.
<<Affirmative. Due the spatial instabilities in Floor 21, it is possible to avoid information leaking through Menu Functions in that location.>>
<<However, the path there is rife with danger. Floor 15 and below are particularly dangerous with Rank S magic beasts and lethal traps traps aplenty.>>
<<On Floor 21 and below, laws of physics are in a state of disarray, with difficult to deal phenomenon such as anomalies and distortions in spacetime continuum constantly occurring.>>
<<In case you fail to reach the floor in ten day time, there is a risk of Demon King's Menu discovering your survival. With his Attributes, Demon King can hunt down and kill Kajikawa Hikaru in virtually no time, regardless of where he is, even on the deepest floor of a dungeon.>>
Well if that ain't hella frightening! Just how hellbent is Demon King on killing me anyway!
Heck, 'virtually no time' to find me, just how high is his attributes anyway. I can't with this stalker Demon King. He's way too scary I can only laugh.
So in short, I'm gonna get offed by Demon King if I laze around huh. Is this like a time attack in action games?
Gotta level up with the magic beasts along the way too. I can't keep staying weak.
<<In addition, defeating Demon King is not outside the realm of possibility if Kajikawa Hikaru manages to 'bring back' a useful item from Floor 21 and below.>>
Well, there's also a risk of me getting 'whisked away' instead though. Scary, I can regrow a limb or two just fine but that... Wait, that's scarier.
Alma parents are the real deal for conquering even one floor of that place and coming back alive.
Welp, time to start this dungeon conquest, but I gotta do some prep work first.
<<There is no issue by making use of items and equipment Kajikawa Hikaru had prepared for the capital defense. Your chest protector has been damaged by Demon King, but it can be repaired by using Synthesize and Repair function with materials from magic beasts looted along the way.>>
Hmm, I did stock up a lot of potions et al, guess they should be enough.
I've also got lots of foodstuff from magic beasts I've beaten so far and vegetables I stocked up beforehand. I'll be fine even if I don't stock more for several months.
I can always hunt and eat magic beasts I find if they're somehow not enough... I've never cut apart magic beasts into usable ingredient though.
Well then, it's dungeon diving time.
The dungeon is as nicely lit as ever, making exploring a cinch.
I'm told it's something that happens naturally, but this kind of stuff is clearly someone's handiwork to me.
Magic beasts and traps on upper floors are basically a non-issue. I can just brute force my way through them.
The loot is pretty shabby too. I got way too much banisoi bean already. Also enough with carbonic beans... Why do I keep getting beans anyway, weird.
I also came across several empty treasure chests. Wonder if another party is currently tackling this dungeon? It can't be those three idiots again, can it.
I got to Floor 4 in just an hour. Can Demon King really conquer this dungeon in no time?
<<He can. It is estimated that Demon King can completely ignore traps, magic beasts, floor layouts and even floors themselves to reach Kajikawa Hikaru near instantaneously.>>
That's way scary! I gotta keep pushing on!
I feel like a protagonist of a horror game. Just how much is he making a big deal outta me to make him so obsessive on seeing me dead anyway.
Heck, I don't remember ever meeting Demon King. How did he even know about Mana Pile Bunker?
If he was a human from my previous life that reincarnated into a hero in this world who then reincarnated again into Demon King, then yes he might know my face and name.
But Mana Pile Bunker is a move I developed in this world. Seeing as he seemed familiar with that, our meeting must be in this world. And it was during a time I was fighting.
Ununu, what's going on? I dun' get it.
"U, uwaaaaaa!!"
"Dammitt! Guys, run to the escape portaaaaaaaal!"
"L-leader! Nock knocked 'imself out, can't get him on his feet!"
"Shoulder him! And run as fast as you can!"
...I heard some real loud guys while I was lost in thought.
Is another party under attack? This would be the third time. Those three girls, three idiots, who's next.
I turn to look at the source of the voices to find a big rolling ball you see in a lot of retro movies chasing down a group of men.
What is this, a certain indie movie or something? Wait, feels like I've seen those guys before...? Nah, can't be.
Hmm, seems like they can get away just fine, guess I can safely ignore them.
"Oh craaaaaap! When will this eeeeend!!"
"Heck ain't this big ball chasing us for real!? That ain't no way a ball turn naturally!"
"Quit bellyaching! Move your legs! Get in that, room...!?"
Uwaah, they brought that big ball this way.
The blond leader man's eye popped wide open when he realized I was here.`
"Oy! You run too!! Or else you're gonna get flattened!!"
"Wait, you're that black haired monster! What're ya doin' here alone!?"
Who are you calling a monster! ...Huh wait, they knew me?
<<Confirmed as a Rank C, formerly D, party led by Darandizma, 'Heavenly Dragons'.>>
Dara... Who's that again?
Heck, what's up with that party name. Ain't no way you can live up to it... Ah, I remember now. They're the dumdums who tried to poach Alma into their party.
Anyway, it'll be annoying if they keep buzzing around me, guess I'm busting that ball with my great hammer... Oh wait, Demon King broke it.
Haa, guess I got no choice. Gotta pulverize that bare handed.
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