551 Safe Conclusion
The swords fetched as much as the predicted amount. 50 silver coins for 50 swords.
"None of 'em is chipped, all in good conditions too. We're gonna dump 'em straight to weapon stores. Heck, they're gonna sold out in no time I'm sure. These swords are so free of damage. Was an easy appraisal there."
He handed me a piece of note while saying that.
"Bring that to the receptionist who brought you here and you'll get yer' money. Ya know. When are you coming back? I always welcome those who bring good stuff here. Do come again. I'd be glad to personally appraise for ya."
And thus I left the room with the exact opposite reaction he had when I first entered.
The guide spoke to me right as I closed the door. His presence was nearly indistinguishable from air inside during the appraisal process.
"That was awesome... I never seen anything like that... I'm trembling all over! Seriously. May I call you captain from now on?"
<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >
I immediately denied him as he spoke with a conviction unmistakable from a joke.
Eh~, I left the frowning guide, went downstairs and got back to the previous receptionist.
"Thank you for your patience. How shall we transfer the money to you?"
What does she mean by how? Aren't they gonna pay me in cash?
"As this transaction deals with a relatively huge amount of coins, we offer options to you. You may choose cash or a transfer to a different 'limit' on your limitless card. Of course, we also offer a split form of payment if you wish to do so."
So like as an example, I can have one gold coin and ten silver coins as cash while putting the rest into another limit in my black card.
The fact that you can add more into a limitless card sounds odd but I guess that's why it's in another 'limit'.
Making another card is only gonna complicate things. While getting paid cash is a lot of coins. If a single card can solve everything, then I might as well.
"Put everything in this."
I handed over the black card to the receptionist. I don't really need cash on me right now.
I've still got a lot from Sir Lolengus from the matter with griffon.
"Yes, then if I may. Please wait a moment."
The receptionist put the card into the card reading machine, whipped out a keyboard-like object and start typing on it.
(What what? What is that? What in the world is that? Which world I am right now?)
Fantasy, this is a world of fantasy. Yet an object that almost made me go, 'Wait what? Am I back in my old world?', came into my sight.
It's almost like I'm watching an office lady from my world.
I know that this world is undergoing a 'Reformation' by its god, but this is just too much.
But even this technology must have been made possible with magic, so I'm convincing myself that this is fantasy still. I mean magic tools exist. That thing must be one too.
"All done. Here is your card. That concludes this transaction. Thank you very much for using our service. We always await your next patronage."
She bowed once before I turned around and left the building behind me.