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Kamisama no Kago wo Kyohishitara?! Chapter 520

520 Terror-stricken Eyes


I was led to a moderately big house with a spacious garden.
Guy must be quite well off. Binota, that is.
Looking like that despite living a life of luxury. He must be so absorbed in his hobby he's been neglecting food intake.
By the time I grasped Binota's character, the captain took me inside the house.

===  ~~~  ===

We were standing out hugely on the way here. The captain went out of his way to pick a route with the least foot traffic but it was no use.
Apparently today was the day a huge crowd formed along that path.

"We've been getting a lot of merchants recently as circulation of goods and money returns to normalcy. In fact, there's more merchants than ever now. I suppose there was no point taking this route."

The captain had a sour expression.
You could tell he was trying hard to avoid causing an uproar in the federation.
This might be an unintended result of something I did too.

(Ah, could the reason for all these merchants flocking here... Eltros's handiwork.)

There's an unending flow of merchants coming and going on this road.
Yet, only the captain, griffon and me are walking. Smack dab in the middle of the road.
The people had opened a path out of fear. The majestic appearance of griffon naturally becomes a hot topic among them.

"Err, I'm real sorry about this..."

I apologized in whisper. I was too naive. Had no idea there were so many people around. Just the other day, this road was deserted.
I felt pretty bad for the inconvenience I caused.
That alongside my own 'I don't want to stand out' policy is wringing my neck.

"Fumu, think nothing of it. What you showed us earlier was much more of a shock. This is nothing."

The captain reassured me as he led.
<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >
A voice called out to me.

"W-w-wh! Why are you here of all place!? And! What!? Is that thing! What the hell is going on!? Quit screwing around!"

A loud voice that sounded shaken. As if it's trying to deny my existence.
It's Mirza. The same Mirza who lost to me in a game of tag at Eltros's mansion.

I turned my gaze at her before proceeding to ignore her and kept walking ahead.
I mean, I can't exactly stop in the middle of the road. Mostly due to the griffon. It's way big.
Griffon would stop if I stopped. I can't afford to chat with her now.

"Ah, follow me if you wanna have a talk. I've got someplace to go, griffon is also in the way. We can chat while we're walking."

"Dangit! What's wrong with you! I've got lotsa piece of mind! Don't screw with me!"

For some reason she's mad at me? As Mirza groaned.
I replied back to Mirza in order to calm her down as she fast approached us.

"I'm not screwing anyone though? In fact, this is the end result of me taking things seriously. Can't you please not deny all my effort?"

"Yer' pissin' me off! Screw it!"

I'm trying to figure out Mirza's mental state.

(I'm sure she can't accept me strolling with a griffon. I mean magic beasts are synonymous with disaster, right? That must be how she sees griffon too.)

That conclusion wasn't actually the reason for Mirza's state. Which I had no way of knowing.

How I shouldn't be here yet considering the time I left the commercial city.
How I'm walking around with a griffon in such a situation.
Irritation from those two facts being ignored.
And how she had no choice but to admit defeat to the person she deems as brat, and the unfathomable-ness of that brat.

All that culminated in her 'screw it' wallow. It was not just from one or two things.
Of course, I was unaware of Mirza's irritation.

"I take it she's your friend, we're almost there. I don't mind waiting if you wish to speak with the young lady."

The captain suggested that out of consideration. But I declined the offer.

"No, please keep going. So, you got business with me, yeah?"

She yelled back.

"Like hell I do! I ain't ever come anywhere close to a complete unknown like you no more! Dangit! We picked a fight with a real monster!"

Mirza disappeared into an alley like she was trying to run from me.

"...What was that all about? She was just mad at me? That's it? What's her problem..."

We arrived at Binota's house without me finding out about Mirza's terror-stricken eyes.






Previous Chapter

Skill? Nee yo Sonnamon! Chapter 256

[White Demon Fight] End




The masked guy swung his great hammer as it popped off.
It got swung unbelievably fast for a heavy weapon.
The white demon narrowly managed to block it, but his arms seem to hurt badly.

"What, have you done...? You've become, even stronger...!"

"Told ya, figure it out yourself!"

The masked guy was unrelenting as he kept up his barrage of attacks using his great hammer, punches and kicks.

"Don't get cocky, you lowly humaaaan!!"


The white demon finally began losing its composure.
That roar carried enough pressure to knock people out.
...Can anyone really defeat this thing...?

"Oh shut up already! Who's getting cornered by that lowly human now, huh?! Dead! You're deadmeat!"

The masked guy yelled even louder in response.
Overpowering even the demon's roar, like a fierce god. If there were Production type people nearby, I wouldn't blame them if they passed out from it.
...Who's the demon again? Despite his upper half face being hidden behind the mask, I could tell he's extra furious. Scary.

"Ha, ha ha... That was intense..."

Aina-san let out a dry laugh as she fell on her butt.
The masked guy probably contributed more than the demon.
To even knock that iron nerve Aina-san off her feet, is he even human...?

"Burn down to ashes!!"

The white demon cast [Burning Flare] again.
A ball of flame dozens of meters in diameter. There's no way anyone can keep erasing that magic...!?

"Screw off!!"

...The masked man approached and held his hand over the flaming ball, bursting it open mid air.
No no no, what the heck was that!? What did that mask do!?

<<An explosive liquid, no, a mass of highly dense combustible liquid formed from mana...!?>>

Eh, what's that. Is there a Skill like that?

<<...It's not, a Skill.>>

Then, what?

<<I, I have no idea... Just what's that person doing...>>

...So it's something so outrageous it even befuddled Menu.
That reminds me about what goddess muttered when I was getting reincarnated to this world, 'Someone so absurd who keep doing outrageous stuff.'
I knew it, that masked guy's identity must be...

~~~~~~~~Absurd masked guy's POV~~~~~~~~

Fuhahahaha! I see, I can see it!
I was on my wit's end handling this demon when he was moving as fast as Oni-sensei earlier but the me now easily manhandles him instead!
How dare you beat me up badly, white demon! How'd you like being on the receiving end now!



During our clash, I shot a mana pile bunker from my head at the white demon's face.
That's what happens if you focus only on visible attacks.
You said it yourself how your attacks got blocked by invisible something. Of course that something can be used offensively too.

"Kuh, you, blasteeeeeed!!"


He activated [Mana Blade Arm] to attack me. I'm gonna block that with Mana Blade Rev!
As our blade arms clashed with one another, the demon's arm slowly got chipped away like a weekend carpenter working on their DIY wood project.

"Guuuuuu!!? T-take thiiiiis!!"

Unflinching, the demon used [Iron Headbutt].
A headbutt with over 6000 Attack power. Woulda been bad if I took that head-on.
But there's no rule saying I have to. Eh, what about that time I fought ogre for the first time you ask? Whatchu talking about.

"No, you!"

I dodged the Iron Headbutt, fetched Lightning Pepper Powder from Item Screen and threw it on the white demon's face.
I dumped it all on his eyes, and nose. Looks super painful.

"Kuuuuuuuh!? P-petty triiicks!!"

It only worked for a bit before he recovered.
Guess that only counts as a harassment. Welp, what a blunder hahaha.

This white demon is stupidly strong. The normal me can only raise my Attributes to around 3000, which is no match to him.
Then how did I manage to overwhelm him? It's simple. It's all thanks to a certain strategy.

I call this strategy, 'If 3000 ain't enough, I just gotta buff myself even more' plan.
Eh, that's too obvious? I mean yeah, told you I got no naming sense.

As for how, first I Fast Travel-ed away to safety, away from that humongous ball of flame, to a medicine store.
I bought up all potions they had in stock, be it HP or MP, converted my mana to stamina and kept buffing my Attributes to the limit.
The limit of buff my entire body can take is presently around 6000, which is far above the white demon.

If he's gonna use an unfair move that doubles his Status with virtually zero cost, then I won't hesitate to cheat as well. I'll pay you back twofold!
I can probably get it higher if I focus the buff only on specific parts of my body, but I don't see any need to after seeing this.

"I underestimated you...! You are no human, no you're a monster wearing human skin...!!"

Who're you calling a monster in human skin! That's you, dangit!
I kept up the offensive while cursing in my mind.
Originally, the demon should have the upper hands in a close combat fight thanks to his assortment of martial arts Skills, but the sheer gap in our Attributes values buried that moat.


"Damn youuu!!"

He blocked my punch and counter kicked me.
I grabbed that leg and spun him around like a giant swing!



I threw him down the ground once I reached the max centrifugal force.
The ground cratered, sending a cloud of dust everywhere.


Not even the white demon could escape this unscathed, his face warped, bloodied all over.

But this ain't over yet, y'know?

"M-my body, won't move...!?"

I bound the flying demon's limbs with Mana Armor generously infused with stamina and life force, affixing him on the ground.
Then I of course, fetched the explosive hammer. Guess what's next?

It's mochi pounding time.

I'm gonna use up all of my remaining stamina.

<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >

~~~~~~~Hero's POV again~~~~~~~~~

"Hop hop, flatten flatten."

"Gahaa!! Oof!? Gugaaaaaa!!"

...The masked guy kept pounding the demon with his great hammer like he's pounding mochi over and over again while saying that line in a carefree tone.
Despite his unenthusiastic voice, I can tell there's an incredible amount of force and bloodlust behind each and every swing.

The white demon spewed out blood, and had his bones and entrails crushed with every hit.
S-so gruesome... This mask guy is utterly merciless.

But man, this demon just won't die.
Anyone would have long been a goner when splattered up like that, yet this thing is barely holding on to dear life.

But, his HP is about to run out soon.
Can't believe that mask managed to easily crush someone with such an overwhelming power. Don't tell me, this masked guy is actually a demon king...?

High above, the masked guy held his great hammer aloft to finish the demon off even though he'd have died on his own anyway.


"Fu, fufufu... Cough...! Your strength, undulled, till, the very end, unrelenting, bloodlust...! We may, be enemies, but, I commend, you...!"

"Thanks. Don't really care about your praise tho'... Well then, good day to you."

The instant he swung his hammer down.

The demon shot something out of his mouth.

That's, a scroll...?

The scroll unfolded and wrapped around the masked guy like a snake.
A binding spell...!? He was hiding such a trump card!


"O, unadulterated, power...!"

He spat out another scroll and opened it toward the masked guy.

An eerie violet light came out of the scroll and shone on the masked guy.


"That, power, may, bring about, my demise...!"

<<T-that's not good! That's a light from Brainwash Skill! A scroll loaded with spellcrafts infused by multiple powerful users is impossible to resist!>>


"My, first, and last, order...! Kill, every, last, human being...!"

The white demon breathed his last after saying those.
Died with a peaceful look on his face, leaving an outrageous bomb behind.

Immediately after, the masked man slowly turned his gaze toward us.


I can see the eyes behind the mask shining violet.
...That looks obviously real bad.

"...Aw snap... He's been brainwashed it seems... What do we do now."

Aina muttered behind me.
She's sweating bullet.

I get her. We just bore witness to this masked man's strength after all.
And now those fangs of his are bared on us.

"Order, confirmed... K, ill..."

The masked man took a stance with his great hammer while uttering with a hollow voice.
...You can't be serious now...!

We're stuck to facing off against an opponent so monstrous even that white demon looked like a joke in comparison.
I can only see despair in the horizon...

<<Heeeeeeeeey!! What are you doing! How are we supposed to stop this monster now!>>

<<...He has no more stamina left. It should be easier than the white demon.>>

<<Yeah, still bad news! I mean, let me see his Status already! I've expunged [Demon King's Menu Function], there's no danger of leaks anymore!>>

<<...Acknowledged. Unlocking blockade. Recommending to display his Status to hero.>>

<<And even if he's not worse than that demon, this situation is still just as hopeless... What should we do?>>

<<The brainwashing Skill effect will likely lapse once Kajikawa Hikaru's HP is reduced to zero.>>

<<...You're telling us to kill him?>>

<<Negative. Kajikawa Hikaru's HP is not in sync with his body. Any wounds received reduces his HP however his physical body remains undamaged.>>

<<What the heck is that even!? So like, you're saying we can keep attacking him until his HP goes poof?>>

<<As long as the attack does not exceed a certain threshold once his HP reaches zero, there is no issue.>>

<<Oh okay then... Even so, this is gonna be real rough...>>






Previous Chapter

Kamisama no Kago wo Kyohishitara?! Chapter 519

519 Crying in Joy


Binota ran up to me and took my hand.
I failed to dodge him. Not like I had to but the way he moved betrayed my expectations, I couldn't react in time. Guy's pretty quick on his feet belying his thin build.

"Thank you! Thank you! Riding on griffon was my lifelong dream! Ever since the day griffon's beauty bewitched me! Thank you! You even let me take to the sky... Uuu..."

His smile suddenly turned to tears. Looks like he's been overcome with emotions.
My hand is still being firmly gripped and shaken too. Quite dexterous. Needlessly so.

"I don't mind your excitement but can you let go of my hand now. Your nose is running... Oy, that's dirty!"

I shook off his hand by force when he was about to bring it to his face.
Binota wiped his tears and nose with that hand.
He's a mess.

"So, can I go in now? Ah, is there an inn that allows a griffon...?"

I walked away from Binota and asked the captain. My destination is the coliseum town.
But I'm not in a hurry. Acclimatizing griffon to traveling is a good idea too, staying at an inn here should help with that.

"Then, would you like staying at my house? I've got a lot of questions for you! Please give me your time!"
<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >
Binota asked loudly. Which got me thinking.

(Why is this guy being so pushy anyway? He wants to observe griffon... no, doesn't seem like it. Judging from his reaction when he saw me, it's got to do with me?)

Binota is staring fixedly at me. Waiting for my answer without even sending a glance to griffon.
Regardless of the reason or his motive, this must be some sort of important event.

"Is there a spot for griffon to take it easy, out of public eyes at your place? Also, I'm itching for a good tea."

(I have a feeling that there's no way to avoid this event. Wonder why? I don't really believe in vague stuff like instinct though.)

"Yes! We have a spacious garden and all kinds of teas at home! I insist! Let's have a good long talk!"

I regretted a bit when I saw Binota getting excited like a kid in a candy store.

"Let's go now! Over here! Come with me!"

The captain stopped him just as he was about to walk off.

"Hold it! Binota-kun, prioritize taking back the document you wrote down earlier to the office."

Binota stopped moving and robotically moved his neck toward the captain.
His face screamed he couldn't wait any longer.

"O-okay! Would you mind waiting here? I'll be back in a flash!"

"Binota-kun, doesn't your work shift end in evening? I'll take him to your place. Do your job."

Apparently this captain is close to Binota. He's admonishing him like his elder.

"Uncle... Can't you overlook it this once!? I mean it's a chance to delve deeper into that ancient manuscript I've been researching!"

"Aren't you a member of working society? You have a duty to fulfill, do it well."

Turns out the captain is Binota's uncle. He makes a good point.
Also, one term caught me.

(Ancient manuscript, research? How does that relate to me?)

The answer has to wait until Binota comes home from his job. For now, I have to follow this captain to Binota's house.

Previous Chapter

Next Chapter

Skill? Nee yo Sonnamon! Chapter 255

Second Round Starts


This chapter is from Hero's POV

"Uu... Uaa..."

"Are you alright!? I'll get you fixed up, don't die on me!"

Adventurers and the kingdom's soldiers who were fighting magic beasts earlier are lying about everywhere.
A lot of them got injured when that white demon used 'Blast Fist'. Some are in danger of dying without prompt interventions.
I've been helping those in precarious states with healing magic and potions, but I can't tend to them all by myself!

<<Neora-san! Surviving demons incoming behind you!>>

"I know, I know! But this person's gonna die if I stop now!"

"Keke. What's this guy's deal yappin' to himself."

"This weakling must be desperate to save his kind. How gallant of you, great hero hahaha!"

I heard vulgar voices of what seemed to be demons behind me.
Normally, I'd turn around and beat them up right away, but this person might die if I stop the healing process.

"Look here now, oh great hero. Or else, I'mma just gonna kill you off along with that guy, ya know?"

"Or perhaps you wanna test how much pain you can take? Let's start with skewering your back!"

DOSH the sound of something stabbing flesh.

"Ga, ha...?"

"There you have it, a stab on the back as you wished. Good enough?"

That was followed by the sound of something falling down and a familiar voice.
Levia had thrust the demon's heart from behind before it could stab me.

"B-bastaaaard!! How dare you, Gavaaa!"


"Sure thing, there!"

Olivie's magic hit the other demon as it frantically lunged, Levia then pierced its head as it flinched.
Nice work. Good job.

"You two are lifesavers, thanks."

"Don't mention it. But this is just terrible..."

"Yea. That white demon's attack sent everybody flying. I don't have enough hands to treat them all. Levia, I'll hand over some potions, help me administer them. Olivie, please use your healing magic to treat the wounded."

"I understand!"

"...Speaking of which, where's that white demon right now--"

A sound of explosion reverberated throughout the capital before Levia could finish.
Rushing hot winds followed afterward. W-what was that about...!?

<<That white demon had just cast Advanced Magic [Burning Flare]! Not even Special Class Job can survive through that move!>>

Oy oy, then what about that masked guy, is he alive!?

<<I-I have no idea. I don't know why I can't display that person's Status nor does the Map shows his location...>>

But why... Well, I can hazard a guess, probably has to do with that masked guy's real identity.


An overwhelming pressure from the direction of that explosion.
It's coming here. That white figure, isn't that--

"Fumu, a lot of them have survived I see. I suppose they aren't quite fragile enough to die from that."

White demon, Leaguvein moved here at incredibly high speed.
His appearance remains unchanged except for tear-like tattoos below his eyes.

But... But, his overpowering pressure has magnified even further.
Must be the effect of [True Demon Release]... I can sense the hopeless gap between our power even without checking his Status.

"...That masked man has met his demise."


"Truly quite a bothersome foe he was. I might have not made it without perusing True Demon Release. His strength was too good for a human, shame I had to kill him."

...Is that for real.
That masked guy seemed super strong too, and you're telling me this demon easily killed him off...!

"Now then, I've no time to waste. I shall have you all taken care of."

The white demon raised his hand high in the sky.
Countless balls of flames shot out of that hand.

<<That's Advanced Magic Spell [Flare Rain]! B-but if those hit the downed people!>>

"Stop thaaaaaaaaat!!"

I cut at the white demon's neck with Dimensional Blade but he easily evaded my attack.

"A Master Skill. It would have been quite a nuisance were someone as powerful as that masked man owned this move, not yours."

"Shut the hell up! Stop! Quit casting that magic! Die!"

"[Grave Lance]!!"

"[Black Bomb]!!"

Levia and Olivie followed through but none of their attacks made dent on the white demon.
He's just standing there despite taking direct hits...!


The white demon swung his arm down while looking at us like we're garbage.

But all the fire balls exploded before they could land.
Echoing explosions. Heated winds spread throughout the surroundings but that was the extent of damage.

Did something strike down those flaming balls?

"...Oh dear, how did things go so bad here."

A familiar soothing voice.
She's someone I both respect and fear for having killed me so many times.
Aina-san smiled wryly from a distance, her bow at the ready.

"[Rain Arrow] is it. To think not even one fire ball escaped. Your skill is commendable."

"Thanksies. Your praise does nothing to me tho'~."

"However, an archer taking point is a poor decision. Or perhaps, do you mean to oppose me by your lonesome?"

"Heck no 'course. How about ya think a lil' before you yap, Whitey-kun."

Right as Aina-san swayed her index finger while trash talking, some debris near the white demon flew off.


"Eat thiiiiiiis!!"

"Go to hell!!"
<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >

The champion and runner-up of Advanced Division, Hyumlassa and Gazanginando jumped out of the debris while respectively swinging their giant axe and great sword at the demon in a pincer attack.
Two blades coming from two opposite directions not unlike a guillotine. An average Rank A magic beast would have easily felled by this.

"Umu, an excellent ambush. Superbly timed as well. Almost perfect if only for one fault."



The white demon stopped both blades with his hands.
Then he threw both of them along with their weapons.

"Your sole fault is lack of power. You are not quite there."



He quickly approached the two and punched them both on the torsos.
The two screamed in pain while coughing up blood. Two Advanced Class, so easily...!

"As for you, elven archer. Your prowess warrants praise as well. You anticipated how I moved and precisely let your arrow loose."


Aina-san shot the demon's head while he was punching the two.
With an arrow capable of easily penetrating through mithril plates.
The attack was also powered up by her Skill to further increase its piercing power as well, making it a true finisher.

Yet, this arrow broke apart the moment it hit the demon's head.
He must have countered with Martial Art Skill [Iron Headbutt].

"But that bow is no more now."


Aina's bow broke apart.
No way, did he break it with magic during that split second...!?

It's clear to me now.
It's not the lack of techniques, courage, or coordination that make us fall short to this demon.

What we're lacking most is strength.

This demon is just too strong. Far beyond anyone or any magic beast I've come across.
No, that's not it... It's us that's too weak...!

We might have a chance if only he's out of [True Demon Release] state...!
Menu! How long till that expires!

<<O-one hour and 42 minutes left!>>

Why is it so long...!? Forget an hour, I dunno if we can even last another minute! What are we supposed to do!

"Is that all? Then it is nigh to part ways."

The white demon raised his hand, no, both his hands high up once again.

A giant ball of flame of a dozen or two meters in diameter emerged above him.
That's the magic that killed the mask guy...!?

"Good day to you, my good sirs and ladies."

He lowered his hands, dropping down the giant flaming ball.

Everybody here is gonna die if that thing lands!
None will survive besides my party due to Revival!

No way, to stop it. No way, to run. Absolutely no way, to kill the demon before that magic hits.
I'll at least save Aina-san and Hyumlassa-san with Fast Travel, no, they're too far away!

Menu! Please! Tell me how to get through this!

<<I-it's no use... There's nothing, we can, do...!>>

There must be something, anything, no, it's too late...!

The flaming ball burst open, sending hot winds in the surrounding area as an explosive sound roared.

"Wh... at...?"

Followed by the white demon's dumbfounded voice.

...Huh...? My Revival Grace didn't set off?
No wait, nobody died? But I was sure that fire ball exploded.

Did someone stop it mid air? Who?

"Get bent."


A collision sound almost as loud as the explosion just now reverberated.
Someone punched the demon which he blocked.
That alone was enough to produce such a loud sound. The result of two tremendous powers colliding.


"Second round. Just die already."

"You persistent bastard!"

A man whose face is hidden behind a mask and a hood stood next to the demon.
His clothes have been singed all over, but he seems unscathed nonetheless.

Did he erase that magic...?
Who, who the heck is this guy anyway...!?






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Kamisama no Kago wo Kyohishitara?! Chapter 518

518 Sky of Dream


Binota begged me with sparkling childish eyes.
The people around looked at him like he's a rare animal.
The captain ordered the soldiers guarding the spot to leave us here.

"I-it's always been my dream since childhood! P-please... would you... let me?"

"I don't really mind. As long as griffon is okay with it. What do you say griffon?"

I gave the ok and asked griffon for consent.
To which griffon responded by crouching down while crying, 'kue, kue~', which sounded like, 'Guess I've no choice~.'

"You got the ok it seems. I'll help you get on it."

Binota was overjoyed and started jumping around without a sound.
I wryly smiled at the pureness of this man.
I even felt a tinge of envy, wondering when did I lost my honesty.

(That's probably just how it goes to be an adult. Wonder if I still have some left in me?)

I lifted Binota by his soles up griffon's back. It was simple thanks to my monstrous strength.
But it would have been simple even without. This Binota guy is too light. He's way underweight.

"H-hyo! T-that surprised me. Eh, ah, I just have to climb my way up now... U, uu..."

Binota succeeded straddling on griffon's back.
And started crying out of joy.

"Uu, I'm really riding a griffon... This is the happiest day of my life... I can die content now..."
<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >
I didn't expect this overreaction and decided to give him a bonus service.

"Griffon, why don't you take a stroll around these parts. We've a nice weather today, a sky stroll doesn't sound bad."

Griffon started flapping its wings. Binota wasn't the only one surprised at this. The captain who remained here as well.

"H-hey you!? Are you sure it's safe!? That griffon isn't going to run wild, is it? It won't shake Binota-kun off!?"

His shout drew the attention of travelers still waiting to enter the federation.

(Ah, I'm scared how much attention I'm getting... Bah, whatever goes.)

I decided to take it in strides instead.
Griffon didn't care about all the gazes pouring at it as it slowly ascended.
Then once they got so high you could only see them as a dot in the sky, griffon started descending like climbing down a spiral staircase.
It landed on the same exact spot it was at and crouched down.

"Good job, griffon. That was quite a splendidly calculated landing. Good boy."

I rubbed griffon's chin gently.

"...Am I dreaming? It was my dream to ride a griffon. But flying in the sky on top of that... I must have gone to the afterlife from this rapture. Am I even alive right now? This isn't a dream?"

Binota kept muttering to himself.
Griffon raised its upper half and let him slide down.
Binota slid on the lower half down the tail and landed his butt on the ground.

The captain took a sidelong glance of Binota as he fixed his gaze on griffon.

"...The shape of war will change if armies make use of this... This could be big..."

This captain probably had no concept of air supremacy. Not until he witnessed the griffon's sky stroll just now.
It's not my responsibility or problem though. Besides, griffons can't be the only option to fly.
But it probably hasn't been realized yet, or even exist. This is a fantasy world.
There should be plenty of tame-able magic beasts that can fly.
Though there's the issue of the budget required to manage and keep them. They'd be better off creating some magical flying machines instead.

(Ah, could this be a flag? I should stop delving deeper.)

I halted that train of thought as it wandered off to a certain fantasy of final.






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Skill? Nee yo Sonnamon! Chapter 254

Versus White Demon


I guard against right fist with my great hammer's handle, clashed the Extended Mana Fist from left fist with Mana Pile Bunker, stopped the right leg kick with my elbow, then I counter with my exploding hammer while mana cushioning away his counter magic as I side step--

It's been two minutes since my hectic deatchmatch against the white demon began.
We've been going at it all this time, yet neither has managed to land a decisive strike.

"Fumu, an invisible something has been obstructing my attacks. Is that a Skill? Or perhaps an Enchantment of your gear?"

"Figure it out yourself. Die."

"That great hammer carries tremendous weight. Its trajectories can be wildly altered through explosions as well. Impressive you're able to wield such a thing."

"You wanna? I ain't giving. Die."

"To top it off, you're repelling my Offensive Magic... Truly a bothersome foe, you are."

"Quit yapping already. Yer' gonna bite your tongue. Actually do and die from laceration."

"And, most of all, is that bloodlust of yours. It's as if I'm seeing a mirror image of our lust for the eradication of humanity."

"Don't lump me with y'all. Die. Die. Die."

Responding every time is a bother but I don't want him to think I can't even afford to speak, so I've been replying curtly.
I may sound like a corrupted manga character from all the 'die, die, die' repeat line but my insides are still that of a reserve unit old man with a disappointing mind.
I just don't have it in me to forgive this demon, not in the slightest.

It's not like I hold a grudge toward demons or discriminate them because of their race.
My murderous impulse towards demons is simply a product of kill or be killed mindset. Exterminate them before they do us in. That's all there is to it.

I think it's also partly due to the trauma I suffered from that time at Vinfitt.
My head would have been splattered flat like a tomato if Reina didn't come to the rescue.
Alma, Reina and all the citizens would have been devoured whole by the slime if I failed at sealing it back.

What's gonna happen to the populace here if these demons succeed destroying this capital city?
Might be presumptuous of me to worry about that, as I'm neither a hero or an ally of justice.

Watching mobs getting killed in manga or games only garner 'Oh poor them' reactions but this world isn't a game. It's real life.
You get to find out about a lot of stuff just from the simple act of strolling the city.

Like say, the old lady selling bread near the front gate is waiting her grandchildren visit in a few days.

Or how the mister blacksmith near the arena is expecting his and his wife's child soon.

Or how excited the neighborhood kids around our inn were when they made a promise to play again tomorrow.

There's no mob in this world. Everybody is living their life. Of course they are.
Is it really that weird to harbor bloodlust toward a bunch wanting to ruin them all just because they feel like it.

Well whatever. Can't afford to run my thoughts aground anymore, let's get to killing.

I explosively powered up my Attributes for a brief instant with Energy Control.
I made the push to nearly 3000 Attributes' values.
Would be nice if I could end this before this demon used [True Demon Release] but things probably won't go that smoothly.


"! He's grown even stronger, faster...!"
<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >

The white demon popped his eyes wide open in shock as he guarded my attack.
My Attributes are almost double his right now. Anyone would be surprised at this sudden power up.

I punched the white demon's face with all my powered might.
It was a clean hit. He failed to react.


I chased the blown demon, grabbed his head and flung him onto the ground.
I also bound him with Mana Armor to prevent escape.

I raised the explosive great hammer high, poured a lot of mana into it and swung it down hard!

SPLAT the sound of splattered flesh could be heard, or so I thought, but no, there wasn't any in reality.
The feeling transmitted to my hands were that of a hard material.
My arms are numbed.
I hit something even harder than my hammer.

A translucent wall of light enclosed the white demon. It looks similar to a barrier you see in SF work.
...Barrier magic? Thing's stupid hard.

<<The demon utilized a personal barrier magic scroll, 'Force Protect'. It generates a barrier possessing 10000 Defense value with the scroll as its epicenter.>>

We finally hit five digit number huh. I can't catch up with the wild inflation.
10 seconds huh... Oh man, that's real bad.

<<Demon [Leaguvein] has activated [True Demon Release] inside the barrier. All Attributes except HP, MP, and SP have been doubled.>>

Ah, knew it. 'Course, he's gonna use it. Wasn't a situation he could penny pinch.
...By the way, what's the duration of this [True Demon Release] state, what about MP and SP consumption?

<<Usable once every 24 hours. Two hour duration. 0 MP SP consumption.>>

What the crap is that stupidly cheat Ability! That's against the rules! Nerf that crap!
Here I am consuming most of my SP just to raise my Attributes to 3000 for 5-10 seconds! That crap is a complete upgrade!

While I was filing claims inwardly, the barrier broke apart and the white demon showed its mug.
There are now tear-like long strip patterns below his eyes, likely indicating his Ability's activation.
...Oou. He's like a whole different demon. His base specs alone are probably on par with Oni-sensei.

"Phew... I have underestimated you. To think you were hiding such strength."

I'm not. I'm just forcing myself to get stronger.
So please don't get so serious, no, for real. I'mma die.

"Now then, I cannot afford to belate anymore. You will have to forgive me, and die."

The white demon moved so fast he left an afterimage as he went in to punch me at super high speed.
Way too fast.
There's no way I can block this--


"Oho, you blocked that...!"

'Course! I ain't been training with an even faster Oni-sensei for nothing!
I'm confident I can handle this speed for up to ten blows!
In other word, more than that is impossible for me! Stop it, please!

I frantically guarded against the barrage of punches while complaining pathetically in my mind.
My energy and life force are getting shaven down with each and every hit I block.

He may not be as strong as Oni-sensei, but he's still stronger than me, he'll drive me to the corner at this rate.
I've been pouring potions directly into my mouth through Item Screen, but I only have a few remaining.
I gave most to Alma's group after all. I don't got lots of potions on hand.

Should I raise my Attributes even further and end this in split seconds...?

Ah, crap. I don't have the leeway too. I'm running out of energy.
Gotta convert my mana to, aah, he flicked away my hands, no, won't make it--


The demon struck my belly with his fist before further exploding it with 'Blast Fist'.
My HP went straight to zero, a dull pain ran through my stomach.


"You're still breathing, I see... This shall end it."

He kicked me away as I crouched down while holding my abdomen, followed by a magic attack.
The spots where it hits are burning, melting and carbonizing, it hurts, it's hot, it hurts, ouch ouch ouch ouch.


He shot a fireball around 20 meters in diameter as he uttered that parting word.
I'm trying to dodge but my body won't move from the intense pain and temperature.
Mana Control, no, it can't repel a spell that size and power.

Nope. I can't win at my current state.
...I took this demon too lightly.

My figure vanished inside a huge explosion caused by the erupting fireball.





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Kamisama no Kago wo Kyohishitara?! Chapter 517

517 Rare Human


I can't remember how long I waited when someone tottered out of the gate.
The person vigorously took off their hood.

Dirty robe, thin figure underneath his attire, and caved-in cheeks. The guy looks real shady.
It's the spitting image of 'No**ta-kun' if he were undernourished.

The man spread both his arms wide while looking like he would start screaming 'Help me! Dorae**n!' anytime now.

"Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaan!? It's a griffoooon! The real thing!? It's the real thiiiiiiiiiing! It wasn't a lie at aaaaaall!?"

His voice was so loud I wondered where he squeezed it out of that lanky body.
Frankly speaking, it's gross. The sight of a skinny 'No**ta-kun' in a weird attire excitedly running this way triggers my flight response.

The man was stopped by by two intersecting spears held by two soldiers guarding the griffon.

"Everybody was sure you guys were just screwing with us when you said someone tamed a griffon! I thought you were gonna hoist some troublesome work on me! B-b-but it's real! Amazing! I can't believe I'm seeing one up close! And it's docile too! It's so big! Its fur looks so lustrous! I-I wanna get a closer look! L-let me through soldiers-san! I wanna take a realll good look close up!"

One thing for sure from his excitement. This guy is an otaku.
The type that gets lost in their own world at that.
<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >
"Binota-kun, please compose yourself. You've been called here to do your job. Not to appease your hobby. This man over here is the griffon's... Hey, are you listening?"

The captain seems to know the man personally. He gave him a warning.
Yet his words don't seem to reach the man at all. The otaku stares fixedly at griffon.
Even griffon is taken aback by this. It's sending me a glance saying 'This guy's beyond help'. Uh not like griffon can talk though.
The man called Binota traced that glance, turning his sight on me.

"...Eh? Y-you're... It can't be... It's real!?"

No idea what surprised this Binota guy, but one thing for sure, his object of interest has shifted to me.

"I can't believe it! It actually does exist! Amazing! I can get a deeper understanding now! Yay! What an incredible day this has been!"

Binota-kun inched closer at me with his grossly excited face.
I drew back at this unknown form of fear. The captain sent a lifeline my way.
He landed a chop on Binota's deranged head.

"Ow, ouch! W-what are you doing? Ah, hey stop! Don't hit me again! I don't like pain!"

"Do you recall why you were called here? Can't you get on to the registration process already? We don't have all day here. Your seal of approval is needed. Save your personal interest for after work, will you?"

Binota straightened himself, 'excuse me'. Finally pulled himself together after that reproach.

"L-let's officially register your tamed beast. Oh it's nothing difficult. All you need to do is prove to us that this griffon obeys your commands."

Despite Binota getting excited again when he saw griffon doing the tricks I showed the soldiers earlier, the registration process went down smoothly.

"You may carry this document with you. That will be your certificate. And now, you only need to attach this plate on the griffon's collar. Yes, that will do. The fee is two silver coins. Yes, thank you. And that is all. So um... I-if possible, could you, um..."

Binota started fidgeting. Which looks really gross.
None the wiser of my inner turmoil, Binota put on a resolved look as he begged.

"Could you please let me ride on griffon's back!"





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