540 The Want to Look Away
"I would love nothing more than staying with you forever, but only a life of constant harassment awaits if you're with me. You felt it too, right? The disgusting looks in their eyes."
I reminded griffon about those Administrative Office folk.
Nothing good will come out of associating with those thugs.
Returning to its old life here is the best course of action for griffon.
"We don't need that tamer tag anymore, let me get it off you. You're free now."
Griffon cried sadly and refused me. It dodged my arms as I reached out to the tag.
"Hm? You're okay with returning to your old life here?"
Griffon quietly nodded. Looks like I got that across at least.
The turf war yesterday must have played a part. It'd be a pain if griffon had to keep fighting intruders whenever it returned here after an extended leave.
Or perhaps griffon is partial to this territory. It must be a wonderful place to live in.
But griffon kept refusing to let me get the tag off, even stepping away when I tried to reach out again.
"Why don't you let me get that sign of my ownership off you? Hm? You're not controlled by anyone anyway, so there's no harm in keeping it? Ah, that's right, I don't have mana binding you or anything."
Griffons don't speak. So I had to make a close observation. Griffon stood up and puffed its chest.
<TLN: Catch the latest updates and edits at Sousetsuka .com >
"Ah, err? You're saying you approve of being my tamed beast? Well, I'm happy to know that. I see, so you recognize me. Is that it?"
Griffon stared at me while happily crying out, 'Kue!'
Apparently it's proud to be my tamed beast. Kinda makes me ticklish.
"Got it. I will honor your stance. I'll let that tag stay there on your neck... Heck, just how far can you communicate with me anyway?"
I know griffon is smart but not to the point of establishing a mutual understanding like this.
(No... I shouldn't overthink. Let's just chalk it up as fantasy like usual.)
Thus my discussion(?) with griffon ended.
I had breakfast and cleaned everything up. Once I was done preparing I called griffon and set off.
"Send me back to this forest's entrance, please. Don't worry, I'll turn up again once I'm done touring the coliseum. Wipe that sad look off your face."
Griffon has gotten completely attached to me. I too now regard this magic beast as a pet and means of transpiration.
The trip went by fast on the back of griffon. Flying high in the air, ignoring the forest below.
I shivered a bit by the cold morning air seeping in the gaps on my mantle as we got out of the forest.
(Oh right, griffons are regarded as forest guardian gods aren't they? They're revered by some local people or something. What does that make me then?)
The one above god would be another god. My power is apparently divine by nature according to Binota.
(I wanna scream at just how chuuni it all sounds.)
But that explanation does fit. And there's no way humans can comprehend too great of a power like that.
I could only accept it as the truth.
"Nothing good comes from averting my eyes from the issue~. No one can tell what kind of effects it's gonna have in the future after all. Aah, this privilege is too much to bear."
My sarcasm fell on a deaf ear. Not like anybody here to listen to me.
I jumped off griffon's back once it landed and started making my way to the coliseum to forget my overthinking.